1. Amiga Networking FAQ Current version 1.8 Date 01/28/95 The primary purpose of a FAQ is to preserve network bandwidth by answering Frequently Asked Questions. A FAQ's second purpose is to provide an altruistic public service to users and vendors. Copyrightless & Disclaimer Acknowledgments and Revisions The FAQ Related FAQs Feedback 2. Copyrightless & Disclaimer ======================= Lack of Copyright Notice Distribution policy Disclaimer 3. Lack of Copyright Notice ----------------------------- With the exception of Trademarks which are the property of their respective owners, the material contained in this FAQ is PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE, and therefore is NOT copyrightable. Richard Norman is merely serving as moderator and maintainer. Anyone has permission to copy any or all of this FAQ, but you do not have the right to copyright it. In the event of my demise :-( or if this FAQ should become dormant for a period of 4 (four) months, someone else is free to assume the role of moderator and update the FAQ. I'd prefer someone who was willing to distribute it in as many formats as possible. Current distribution includes ASCII, and Amiga guide. They should also distribute it as wide as possible. News.answers or it's predecessor as a minimum. 4. Distribution policy --------------------------------- The FAQ may be freely distributed. Portions can be included in derived works, but may not be exclusively copyrighted (see Lack of Copyright Notice ) (i.e. You cannot prevent others from using this information in their derived works.) - Page 2 - 4. Distribution policy The FAQ is a compilation of a number of people's work, and answers provided by users and vendors. Therefore it belongs to no one and to every one (i.e. Public Knowledge). 5. Disclaimer ------------------------ The information contained in this FAQ is supplied "as is" without express or implied warranty. I make no representations about the suitability or accuracy of this document for any purpose. If you have better information, then please share it. Altruistic submissions are welcome. Feedback If someone sees errors, let the moderator know, feedback and it will be corrected as time permits. All information provided here is meant for informational purposes and is not to be taken as an endorsement for any particular product. (Note: in most cases only one company provides any given service anyway). If anyone knows of additional relevant products, let the moderator know, feedback and they'll be added to the list as time permits. 6. Acknowledgments and Revisions --------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to Richard Gerber for being the original moderator. Richard A. Gerber email: gerber@zwicky.arc.nasa.gov Thanks to everyone who posts answers not flames (even if I don't always live up to the standard myself ;-) Contributions by: Stefan Becker, Alan Berney, Kai Bolay, Frank Branham, Andreas Czerniak, Jim Dutton, Arno Eigenwillig, Juha Koivisto, Dale Larson, Jukka Marin, Neil McRae, Michael Meyer, Michael Smith, Michael Witbrock, and many others. Special thanks to the vendors who took time to support this effort. And last but not least, Thanks to Stephan Surken for the text2guide utility which got me started. Date: 01/28/95 -- V1.8--patched for Heddley or other format Date: 01/01/95 -- V1.7-- Added html, http info, and did some format clean up in preparation for an HTML version. Date: 10/14/94 -- V1.6 -- NOT released due to technical difficulties added stuff about AmiTCP3.0b2 and SLIP install Date: 9/06/94 -- Finished V1.5 Date: 6/02/94 -- released V1.4 official news version Date: 4/29/94 -- news.answers Draft release V1.1 -- Richard Norman Date: 4/29/92 -- Original release V 1.0 -- Richard Gerber - Page 3 - 6. The FAQ 7. The FAQ ============== The Amiga Guide version of this FAQ is available on Aminet in the /pub/aminet/docs/help directory. Due to the method I'm using to write the FAQ, marking the margins to indicate new material is not feasible. Look for new questions towards the end of each list. Also look for "!!!!", strings of exclaimation points represent new material or news flashes. Product Availability (A) Product Specific General (C) Generic (G) Software-Specs Hardware-Specs Manufacturers 8. Product Availability (A) ------------------------------------------ A01 What do I need to hook up my Amiga 2,3, 4000 to ethernet? A02 Can I hook up an Amiga 500, 1000, or 1200 to ethernet? A03 Is X Windows available for the Amiga? A04 Is DECnet available? A05 Is AppleTalk available? A06 Is Novel Netware available? A07 Are there any peer-peer network packages for the Amiga? A08 Is TCP/IP available? A09 Is Mosaic available? A10 Is Gopher available? A11 Is electronic mail available? A12 Is network multimedia available? A13 Is UUCP available? A14 Is SLIP or PPP available? A15 Is network parallel programming available? A16 Is Arcnet available? - Page 4 - 8. Product Availability (A) A17 What is TIA, and is it useful to an Amiga user? 9. A01 ------------------ What do I need to hook up my Amiga 2,3, or 4000 to ethernet? If the following sounds like geek 8-) then try the Generic (G) section. Also you can try the book store for a variety of books on the subject including "Connect your Amiga!" by Dale Larson of IAM . They can go into a lot more detail than an FAQ. You basically have two choices: a direct connection which requires a ethernet card or a much slower remote connection via the serial port. An ethernet card is also referred to as an ethernet adapter, an ethernet controller, or as a network interface card. One reason it is called a network interface card is that there are other types of networks out there besides ethernet ( ARCNET for example). Ethernet is just extremely popular. There are several cards to choose from and they support different ethernet cable types. See the generic section for a description of cable types. See the product specs section to see which cards support which cables. In addition to the card you will need a protocol to communicate to other hosts or nodes. See a description of protocols in the generic section. The protocols all require configuration such as an address which you should get from your network administrator or service provider. Ethernet cards: The A2065 Ethernet Network Interface Adapter is by Commodore Business Machines . The A4066 Ameristar ethernet card supersedes the A2065 card. LAN Rover is by ASDG and is now called the EB920. Also there is a card called the Hydra . All of these cards are full size and most are SANA II compatible. Cheap PC ethernet cards can be used in conjunction withe the GG2 bus+ card from Software Results Enterprises . A hybrid card called Ariadne by Village Tronic includes both ethernet and parallel ports on the same card. All these cards can be used with protocol software such as Commodore AS225 TCP/IP Networking Software, TSSnet DECnet software by Thunder Ridge, Inc. , and Netware by Oxxi . Also ENLAN-DFS , and Envoy provide Amiga to Amiga networking using these cards. Resource Management Force has a zorro II card called QuickNet which uses thin ethernet, and special Amiga to Amiga software. Serial port: If you have a high speed modem and somewhere to dial into for ethernet access, then you can use either SLIP or PPP with TCP-IP or one of the AmigaNOSFlavors to become a full fledged TCP/IP node on the network. It won't be as fast as a direct ethernet connection, but you can still do a lot. Also, DECnet will work with the serial port. Again the speed being the big trade-off. No place to dial into? You can usually find a book on the Internet at a - Page 5 - 9. A01 bookstore that lists the major providers, but your local user groups and BBS users can provide good insight into which are the best or cheapest. Or if you have email look at the WAN providers section. Although it is feasible to use SLIP & TCP/IP over a modem to connect to a friend's modem and machine, it is not necessary, and is much more difficult to setup than modem software. Although there are a few more things you can do with this type of connection, it is not for the novice at this time. 10. A02 ----------------- Can I hook up an Amiga 500,1000, 1200 to ethernet? Yes, Almost all Amiga models can be hooked to the ethernet. Using the serial port is the cheapest, but the fastest is a direct connect using an ethernet adapter card. For the 1200 Interworks has an ethernet card called ICard that will support the major protocols. They also have some Amiga peer to peer software products for the ICard. For the 500 and 1000: The A2065 has reportedly been used successfully with third-party expansion boxes, such as Bodega Bay. It has also been reported that the A2065 card can be used with the Slingshot expansion device used with an Amiga 500 and a SupraDrive 500XP's pass-through. The A2065 has been superseded by the Ameristar A4066 . Don't know if it works with the A500 or A1000. The serial port approach for TCP/IP is supported by several AmigaNOSFlavors or AmiTCP or AS225r2 all of which require SLIP or PPP to use the serial port. DECnet can be also be used with the serial port. 11. A03 ---------------- Is X Windows available for the Amiga? X11R4 full color for the Amiga is available from GfxBase, Inc. . Also available are XView, OpenLook, Motif, programmers toolkits, and Berkeley sockets library. X Windows supports Commodore TCP/IP and TSSnet DECnet for ethernet and serial connections, SANA for local. A demo version is available on Aminet in /pub/aminet/gfx/X11 In the same directory you can find DaggeX. More info on this later. Also check out the X11 FAQ for help with X specific questions. 12. A04 ---------------- Is DECnet available? TSSnet DECnet from Thunder Ridge, Inc. allows your Amiga to be a phase IV end node in a DECnet network. TSSnet supports X11R4 from GfxBase, Inc. which provides DECWindows support for applications running on a VAX system. TSSnet DECnet can communicate over ethernet as well as the Amiga serial port. - Page 6 - 12. A05 13. A05 ---------------- Is AppleTalk available? There are a few implementations of AppleTalk software and LocalTalk hardware available for the Amiga. For Amiga 2,3, and 4000's the AMAX board and the Emplant board offer Localtalk and Appletalk options. 14. A06 ---------------- Is Novel Netware available? A Novel Netware client package is available from Oxxi Several people have posted that the client is not SANA II compatible yet. If you need this, then please contact Oxxi for the latest info. I hope to post more info in a future version of the FAQ. 15. A07 ---------------- Are there any peer-peer network packages for the Amiga? Yes, several. ENLAN-DFS from Interworks provides peer to peer networking and Distributed File System over SANA II compatible hardware. Envoy from IAM provides peer to peer networking for Amigas that is tied very close to the operating system. It too is SANA II compatible. Resource Management Force has a zorro II card called QuickNet which uses thin ethernet, and special Amiga to Amiga software. ALAN-FS is a peer-to-peer network package that allows full transparent file-sharing, device sharing over ethernet. It requires WB2.0 and the Commodore AS225 package. It is available from GfxBase, Inc , or Canadian Prototype Replicas . NOTE: Current Product status unknown. FEEDBACK appreciated. Dnet --- Dnet has client/server software for both Amiga-Amiga and Amiga-UNIX networking over a serial line. Among other things Dnet supports shells, file transfer, IRC, and something like NFS. Dnet is available on Aminet . Don't have any more info at this time FeedBack appreciated. PARnet/PARbench --- PARbench is a workbench installable version of PARnet which allows two Amigas to be networked using a parallel port and cable. It is basically file sharing. 16. A08 ---------------- Is TCP/IP available? Yes, three public domain versions, and a commercial version. AS225 by Commodore Business Machines is a commercial version which supports NFS. - Page 7 - 16. A08 AmiTCP is a gnu public license version of TCP/IP ( see the AmiTCP FAQ for more details). AmiTCP is available from Aminet AmigaNOS and AmigaNOSGW are two AmigaNOSFlavors which provide TCP/IP over the serial port and modem. Also AmigaNOS supports a HAM radio/X.25 interface. 17. A09 ---------------- Is Mosaic available? Yes, a public domain version called Amosaic is available using FTP from max.physics.sunysb.edu Or on Aminet under comm/net. Updates are available by accessing the Amiga home page using Amosaic. It requires AmigaDos 3.x and TCP/IP to access remote hosts. See the product specific section AMosaic(AM) for more hints. Also see the generic section for a description of Mosaic. G08 18. A10 ---------------- Is Gopher available? Yes, Graham Walter has written a Gopher client for AmiTCP and AmigaNOSGW (not to be confused with John Heaton's AmigaNOS) see AmigaNOSFlavors There is an AmigaNOS-FAQ available as well. The AmiTCP gopher client is available on Aminet 19. A11 ---------------- Is electronic mail available? Yes, the DECnet package from Thunder Ridge, Inc. supports VMSmail. AmigaELM supports UUCP mail. Both packages require a mail utility on a remote host. You should also pick up a copy of InetUtils from Aminet. It has a SMTP client which is suppose to work with AmigaELM. SMTP is the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol or the Send Mail To People protocol as my friend calls it. SMTP is a defined standard for email over the TCP/IP protocol and therefore is widely used on the Internet. This SMTP client is not suppose to require a remote mailbox. Graham Walter has uploaded a SMTP daemon for AmiTCP to Aminet Also available for both AmigaNOSflavors is a mail agent called BM, B-Dale's Messy-Dos Mailer. It doesn't have as nice an interface as Elm, but is easy to use and can build RFC822 formatted files. There are probably others which I've missed Feedback 20. A12 ---------------- Is network based multimedia available? - Page 8 - 20. A12 InfoChannel is a SCALA, Inc. product that can run over LAN's or modems. It allows remote Amiga multimedia stations to be controlled from a central Amiga host. Data can also be stored centrally and supplied upon demand. InfoChannel also comes with tools and graphics for creating a multimedia service such as a kiosk. Also Amosaic can be used as a multimedia hypertext user interface for both local and remote data. 21. A13 ---------------- Is UUCP available? Yes, UUCP has been ported to the Amiga as AmigaUUCP. It is available on Fred Fish and Aminet as AmigaUUCP. It has it's own FAQ. See UUCP FAQ There are also generic UUCP FAQ's available in the FAQ archive . 22. A14 ---------------- Is SLIP or PPP available? SLIP is available as part of AmiTCP. You can check the AmiTCP FAQ for more info. AmiTCP can be found on Aminet . More details on SLIP will be added to this FAQ as they become known Feedback hint, hint. ;-) Several versions of PPP are under development. A shareware version was recently released. I believe it is called PPP.device. You can look for it on Aminet or watch the comp.sys.amiga.announce and comp.sys.amiga.datacomm newsgroups for updates. 23. A15 --------------------- Is network parallel programming available? TorqueWare (TM) is by AugmenTek and allows parallel programming between several Amigas. Also an Amiga running AugmenTek's TorqueWare can act as a client to a SGI or Mac running TorqueWare by Torque Systems. 24. A16 ------------------ Is Arcnet available? I don't know of any,... !!!!!!!!!!! Memory Flash !!!!!!!! What I should have said is that I didn't _remember_ any ;-) Of course, CBM released the A2060 for the Amiga 2000, and the A560 for the A500. You can probably still find these used, and apparently there is a SANA II driver for them called ch2060.device by Carsten Heyl. Look on Aminet. - Page 9 - 24. A16 Thanks to Frank, and Daniel for flushing my memory cache. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CSA was working on some, but are on hold pending the outcome of the CBM liquidation. Contact CSA if you are interested. Arcnet runs at about 2.5 Mbits/sec which is a lot faster than parnet or Appletalk, but not as fast as ethernet. Arcnet hardware is cheaper than ethernet, however, so for a small shop they may be a better deal. 25. A17 ------------------- What is TIA, and is it useful to an Amiga User? TIA ==> The Internet Adapter (TM) by Cyberspace Development, Inc. (CSD). marketplace.com It is a commercial software product that enables shell account users to have partial SLIP access to the Internet without paying the extra monthly surcharge, and without having to have an Internet address. Since TIA runs on the service providers host, Amiga users can take advantage of it too. Although the service provider misses out on some revenue, they also miss out on a lot of management headaches from SLIP. Check with your service provider to see if TIA is endorsed. The drawback to TIA is that you don't have your own internet address, and therefore no one can telnet or FTP to your machine. This does not stop you from running Mosaic or FTP *OUT*. Just the incoming is unavailable. In other words you can act only as a client not a server. Another drawback is that you still have to have SLIP on the Amiga side. TIA basically sets up a software gateway that speaks SLIP to your Amiga over the serial port of the host, and TCP/IP over the host's ethernet card. TIA doesn't allow the AmiTCP packets to pass directly to the Internet therefore your machine has no address as far as the Internet is concerned. The Internet only sees the service host. TIA makes the service host make TCP/IP requests on your behalf and then passes you back the results. This does not work for some TCP/IP utilities such as ping. Think of it as layers or stacks the data must filter through with TIA as a middleman or translator. |====< AMIGA >====| |====< Service Host >======| | AMosaic | | TIA <====GW====> TCP/IP | | AmiTCP | |your Shell Account || | | SLIP | | | || | | serial port | | serial ethernet| |====|---|========| |===|---|===========|++++|=| | | || modem<--serial line-->modem || ethernet LAN - Page 10 - 25. A17 || Internet & WWW There are well written docs available on line from CSD that explain TIA much better. You can FTP them from marketplace.com. You can also use gopher and Mosaic to the same site. 26. Product Specific ================ Amosaic section is NEW! CBM TCPIP (B) Envoy (E) AMosaic(AM) AmiTCP (AT) 27. CBM TCPIP (B) --------------------------------------- Questions about Commodore's TCPIP software B01 I can't login to my Amiga over the network. Why? B02 When I FTP to some hosts, I get part of an introductory message and then either the network hangs up or the connection gets closed. Why? B03 Is Domain Name Resolution available with the AS225 software? B04 Can I use NFS to mount a partition on my Amiga from a remote machine? B05 I can't use FTP, rsh or rcp into my Amiga. Why? B06 FTP into my Amiga works, but rsh and rcp into my Amiga don't. B07 I can communicate with machines on my network/floor/building, but I can't communicate with other machines even though they are in my inet:db/hosts file. 28. B01 -------------------- I can't login to my Amiga over the network. Why? The AS225 software does not support interactive remote logins to the Amiga. It does have servers for rsh (remote shell), rcp (remote copy) and does support remote FTP logins. rsh allows you to execute commands on the Amiga, but does not allow an interactive shell. Late breaking news which I haven't had time to research: For AmiTCP there are supposedly two utilities on Aminet called tnserv.lha and FtpDaemon.lha that provide remote telnet and FTP to an Amiga. Don't know how well they work or if they will work with AS225r2 .. You can consult the AmiTCP FAQ or stay tuned for future releases of this FAQ. Or better - Page 11 - 28. B01 yet, download them and see for yourself ;-) 29. B02 ------------------- When I FTP to some hosts, I get part of an introductory message and then either the network hangs up or the connection gets closed. Why? There apparently is a bug in the AS225 software that causes trouble when ftp'ing to a system that has a long login message. You can suppress this login message on some systems by typing a hyphen ('-') as the first character in your password. 30. B03 ------------------- Is Domain Name Resolution available with the AS225 software? For AS225r1: No. You must have an entry in the host table for each machine you wish to reference by name (as opposed to IP address). Also the gateways file is not currently used. For As225r2: Yes. All variants support DNS, and gateway. These functions are turned off and on via the config files and the ConfigINet utility. 31. B04 -------------------- Can I use NFS to mount a partition on my Amiga from a remote machine? For AS225r1: No. Currently, the AS225 software only supports NFS as a client. An NFS server is not included. For AS225r2: Yes. NFSd the NFS server is included. The 'd' stands for daemon which is a term used by the un*x community for a program which runs continously and watches for certain events, and then loads the appropriate program to handle a given event. Not all variants of AS225r2 contain the NFSd. 32. B05 ------------------ I can't use FTP, rsh or rcp into my Amiga. Why? Make sure that you are running inet:s/start-inet with the servers keyword (i.e., "execute inet:s/start-inet servers"). 33. B06 -------------------- FTP into my Amiga works, but rsh and rcp into my Amiga don't. Make sure that you have an entry in inet:db/passwd for the user who is rshing into the Amiga (you can use the -l option to change the user trying to do the remote access.) Make sure that you have an entry in inet:db/hosts.equiv for the machine being rsh'd from. 34. B07 ------------------- - Page 12 - 34. B07 I can communicate with machines on my network/floor/building, but I can't communicate with other machines even though they are in my inet:db/hosts file. Make sure that you have routes set up to other networks. Many networks have one primary gateway which you should make your default route for reaching all other networks. See the commented-out "route add default" line in inet:s/start-inet. 35. Envoy (E) --------------------------------------- Questions about Envoy E1 How do I configure a machine which has both an Amiga Link and an ethernet connection so that machines on either network can see each other? 36. E1 ----------------- How do I configure a machine which has both an Amiga Link and an ethernet connection so that machines on either network can see each other? Given machines A, B, and C with node B having both Amiga Link and Ethernet card (Quicknet) as shown below, and all running Envoy. A <=== Alink ===> B <=== Ethernet ===> C In order for node A to access node C or vice versa use the following configuration scheme: (IP addresses for example only!) node A node B node C IP-Address: 244.1.a.a 244.1.b1.b1 244.1.c.c 244.2.b2.b2 Subnet Mask: Use Realm: yes yes yes Realm-Serv: NO yes yes Realm-Name: NET NET NET Serv-Addr: 244.1.b1.b1 244.1.b1.b1 244.2.b2.b2 Def GateWay: 244.1.b1.b1 ------ 244.2.b2.b2 Loc Realms: ------ NET ------- Loc Realms: NET Rem Realms: ------ ------ ------ where b1.b1, and a.a are the AmigaLink hardware addresses. i.e. the last two bytes of the IP address MUST match the hardware address on the AmigaLink interfaces. On the ethernet interfaces, however, b2.b2 and c.c can be anything since - Page 13 - 36. E1 Envoy supports ARP on ethernet. NOTE: the IP addresses are for example ONLY! Unless you manage all the nodes concerned you must coordinate the IP addresses with your network administrator or provider. This example basically creates two TCP/IP domains: 244.1 and 244.2 Each domain can have multiple nodes. Node B serves as the gateway between the two domains. If you were to set up additional gateways to other domains, you would use the route command on each node that you wished to enable communications to the new domain. The route command merely tells TCP/IP which gateway or router to use for data that is to be sent to a particular domain thus providing a more direct path, and avoiding sending unnecessary traffic to other parts of the network. The gateway provides access to other parts of a network that would not otherwise be directly accessible. A router is dedicated to keeping track of routes to various domains. On large networks your default gateway will often point to a router thus negating the need to maintain route commands on each node. For further discussion of domains and beginner info on the Internet you should refer to ZEN 37. AMosaic(AM) --------------------------------------- NOTE: for more info on Mosaic check out Clive Thomas's Amosaic-FAQ Questions about AMosaic AM1 What do I need to run AMosaic? AM2 Is there a way to print from AMosaic using arexx? AM3 Having problems with "service looping" with http? AM4 How do I connect to a news server with AMosaic? AM5 How do I access docs in AMosaic NoNet mode? AM6 How do I make AMosaic appear on a custom screen? AM7 How do I change AMosaic's preferences? 38. AM1 ------------------- What do I need to run AMosaic? *A link to the Internet *Any Amiga running AmigaDos 3.0 or higher. ( Show your support for the Amiga... Buy 3.1! ) Aminet is the place to go for all the rest of this stuff! * Amosaic V1.2 (latest is available on max.physics.sunysb.edu) * MUI 2.0 or higher * AmiTCP 3.0b2 or DNET * SLIP (included with AmiTCP) or PPP - Page 14 - 38. AM1 * INetUtils (optional adds SMTP, etc.) * FTPd (optional allows inbound FTP) *The following utilities are used by default by Amosaic, but you can use others: amisox, edplay, zgif, ams They are available via Amosaic once you get it up and going. AmiTCP can be a bear to install, but if you read ALL of the docs it should go easier. Also they have real nice postscript docs available via anonymous FTP. Read the AmiTCP FAQ for the location. DNET may be more useful if you are connecting to a UNIX host, but I have no direct experience with DNET. I'm still looking for someone to contribute some info on DNET! feedback 39. AM2 -------------------- Is there a way to print from AMosaic using arexx? Thanks to a Quick and Dirty Hack by Mike Meyer there is! Although I tried to type it in correctly, I cannot guarantee that it will work since I have no way to test it. / * * A QAD hack to print from Mosaic via the Rexx interface */ arg style if ~show('Libraries', 'rexxarplib.library') then if ~addlib('rexxarplib.library', 0, -30) then do say "No rexxarplib, so no posting!" exit end options results select when style = "TEXT" then 'get text' when style = "FORMATTED" then 'get formatted' when style = "POSTSCRIPT" then do call request 0, 0, "Postscript doesn't work yet!" exit end otherwise call request 0, 0, "Invalid argument" style end - Page 15 - 39. AM2 if ~open(printer, "prt:", "Write") then do call request 0, 0, "Can't open printer!" exit end call writech printer, result exit 40. AM3 ------------------- Having problems with "service looping" with http? There is a version of the AmiTCP 3.0 Beta 2 inetd which is better behaved. It is available via anonymous FTP at remarque.berkeley.edu as /pub/mwm/inetd_for_httpd 41. AM4 -------------------- How do I connect to a news server with AMosaic? You specify the NNTPSERVER environment variable. This can be done at user-startup or from a shell. Use the setenv command. SETENV NNTPSERVER a.news.server.youre.allowed.on 42. AM5 ------------------- How do I access docs in AMosaic NoNet mode? The Amosaic NoNet version can run in stand alone mode ( i.e. NO NETwork). This is for testing purposes before you get your network connection. In v1.2 or earlier you are greeted with an error message instead of a document in this NoNet mode. To see the local html files you must use the Open Local menu item and then choose volumes. You must go all the way to the list of volumes because this allows you to build the file pointer from scratch. Choose the volume where Amosaic is stored and then work your way down to the docs/html directory. There should be a file called index.html. Choose it and it should open. There is a way to make this your default home page, but I'm not sure how. At any rate, you should be able to access any of the LOCAL html files in this manner. Once you open the index.html file it has hypertext links to many of the other local html documents. It also has remote links which obviously won't work in NoNet mode. 43. AM6 ------------------- How do I make AMosaic appear on a custom screen? You can make AMosaic appear on a custom screen by using the MUI Prefs, BUT don't do it while Amosaic is running!!! If AMosaic is running when you change the MUI prefs to a custom screen, it will crash your machine. Simple fix: Run MUI prefs and change the screen, and THEN run AMosaic. - Page 16 - 43. AM7 44. AM7 -------------------- How do I change AMosaic's preferences? In order to change AMosaic's preferences such as which page is the default home page you can edit one of the files in the envarc:mosaic dir or you get AMprefs which is available on the AMosaic home page. For more help get Clive Thomas's Amosaic-FAQ 45. AmiTCP(AT) -------------------------- !!!!!!!!!!!!!! News Flash !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These questions were triggered by 3.0b2 which should no longer be used. Version 4.0 demo of AmiTCP has been officially released to Aminet . Although it is a "demo", it is fully functional. There will be a commercial version of AmiTCP available with new features. NOTE: Do not install v4.0 over a non-working version of 3.0b2. Delete all the 3.0b2 files off the system (i.e. wipe the slate clean). !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Questions about AmiTCP AT01 Telnet in 3.0b2 locks up my shell when I exit. Is this a bug? AT02 Startnet in 3.0b2 says there is "no such interface" why? AT03 My provider assigns SLIP addresses dynamically. Now What? AT04 How do I get SLIP to work with AmiTCP? 46. AT01 -------------------- Telnet in 3.0b2 locks up my shell when I exit. Is this a bug? Yes, and is quite typical of BETA software. Remember beta software is still under construction and has not been extensively tested. Bug reports and patches can be found on kampi.hut.fi Amitcp 3.0b2 telnet when used with AmigaDOS 3.0 or 3.1 uncovered a bug in the console software. Solution is to either A) use the telnet from 2.3 of AmiTCP or B) use a console handler like KingCON which is available on Aminet C) get a "fixed" version of telnet from kampi.hut.fi 47. AT02 -------------------- Startnet in 3.0b2 says there is "no such interface" why? Because you failed to read the NOTE to BETA testers. This is BETA - Page 17 - 47. AT02 software; so you ARE a Beta tester. BETA software is still under construction and therefore so are the manuals and the install script. There are some postscript manuals available for AmiTCP 2.x The 3.0 stuff hasn't been added to the postscript manuals yet, so the postscript docs aren't in the 3.0 archive, but they are available online at kampi.hut.fi and other places. To fix the "no such interface" problem you must edit two files: amitcp:db/interfaces and amitcp:bin/startnet. In amitcp:bin/startnet you must change the ifconfig commands so that instead of file name/interface number devs:network/a2065.device/0 you have alias0 where alias is defined by you in the interfaces file. Some predefined aliases are already in the interfaces file. In fact the a2065.device is defined as ether. Therefore you could have changed the above to ether0 in startnet and not had to change the interface file. Also, you must change the lo/0 to lo0 in the startnet file because the slash between the name and the unit number has been dropped and will generate an error if you include it. 48. AT03 -------------------- My provider assigns SLIP addresses dynamically. Now What? Now you have an excuse to learn arexx or shell scripts. ;-) Actually some have already been written and posted. Here is one way to do it. (NOTE: I HAVE NO WAY TO TEST THIS PROGRAM SO USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK ) In fact, it will NOT work as is. You MUST modify it for your system. /*REXX*/ /* go slip! a program to create slip scritps with dynamic address */ /* usage rx goslip.rexx */ option results trace off If = '0a'x address REQUESTSTRING 'rtitle="GoSlip" text="Please enter your IP address." ' direccion = result /* changed from 19200 */ outdriver = 'baudbandit.device 0 57600 ' || direccion ' CD 7WIRE' say outdriver foo = open('outfile','ENV:sana2/rhslip0.config','Write') - Page 18 - 48. AT03 foo = writeln('outfile',outdriver) call close 'outfile' address REQUESTSTRING 'rtitle="GoSlip" text="Please enter your host name.(slip#, w/ out amiga.com)" ' trob = result gene = 'HOST ' || trob || lf || 'DOMAIN amiga.com' || lf ||'NAMESERVER' || lf || 'NAMESERVER128.200.1.201' foo = open('outfile','amitcp:db/netdb-myhost','Write') foo = writeln('outfile',gene) call close 'outfile' address command 'run >NIL: AmiTCP:AmiTCP' WaitForPort AMITCP 'AmiTCP:bin/ifconfig lo0 localhost' 'AmiTCP:bin/ifconfig slip0' direccion '' 'AmiTCP:bin/route add' direccion 'localhost' 'AmiTCP:bin/route add default' 'Assign TCP: Exists > NIL:' /* 'if warn' */ 'Mount TCP: from AmiTCP:devs/inet-mountlist' /* 'endif' */ 'run >NIL: amitcp:bin/inetd' 49. AT04 -------------------- How do I get SLIP to work with AmiTCP? Use AmiTCP 4.0 demo, since it is the easiest to install. It still isn't as easy as it should be, but with a little patience... run the amitcp installer, but do NOT reboot. For slip you don't want AmiTCP started at boot time, but you do want the INETD started when AmiTCP starts. - Page 19 - 49. AT04 edit your password file in the amitcp:db directory, and add a new user with a password of nothing (i.e. nothing between the bars || ). If you want to avoid typing a password each time you start AmiTCP, then edit your startnet file in the amitp:bin directory, and change the default user to the new user you just added to the password file. You can reboot now so that the assigns are all in place. Make sure your modem doesn't hang up when DTR goes low. (AT&D0 on most modems). Use your terminal program to connect, and start the remote slip. Quit the term program, and run the amitcp startnet program. If you have dynamic IP numbers, you'll have to run a script which builds the startnet file with the number, and then runs it (See the previous question.) 50. General (C) ------------------------ C01 What terminal emulations are available over ethernet? C02 Can I use multiple protocol stacks on my Amiga at the same time? C03 I only have two machines, an Amiga and __________. How can I exchange data without a net? C04 How can I uudecode messages from binary newsgroups? 51. C01 ----------------- What terminal emulations are available over ethernet? The AS225 package allows rlogin using the Amiga console (a termcap is supplied) only. A separate rloginVT program is supplied for VT100 emulation. Under X Windows, xterm provides terminal emulation that typically works with all software available on the host. AS225r2 provides telnet and nterm (telnet with VT100). TSSnet DECnet provides VT100 terminal emulation using the DECnet CTERM facility or use your favorite VT compatible Amiga terminal program including VLT. VLT works with TSSnet DECnet, Enlan, and with tn3270.device for AS225r2 . VLT provides Tektronix and DEC terminal emulation. 52. C02 ------------------ Can I use multiple protocol stacks on my Amiga at the same time? If all desired protocol stacks support the SANA II standard, several protocols can be run simultaneously on the same A2065 card. Some commercially available versions of the network protocol stacks support the SANA II specification now. But if they don't, you can have multiple hardware interfaces to run different protocols on the same machine simultaneously (i.e. one A2065 used for TCP/IP and one used for Netware). 53. C03 ---------------- - Page 20 - 53. C03 I only have two machines, an Amiga and __________. How can I exchange data without a net? Four solutions come to mind. From least to most expensive: 1) Floppies If the data will fit on a 720k floppy( or 1.4M floppy if you have the High density drive) then you have it made. see appropriate section below for details on your computer setup. 2) NULL Modem cable If the two machines are in the same room a null modem cable is useful for moving larger amounts of data. You will need software in addition to the cable. You can write your own or use something like TwinExpress which is on Aminet . In addition to moving files TwinExpress will also allow you to print remotely. For example, If you have a postscript printer hooked to the PC's LPT2 port, then copy hd0:psfiles/mydoc.ps ~LPT2 will send the postscript file over the nullmodem cable to the PC printer. 3) External SCSI The next cheapest solution is to get a SCSI external drive with removable media such as a Syquest or Bernoulli. See below for details. 4) Ethernet Of course there is nothing wrong with setting up an ethernet LAN between just two machines other than cost. PC clone to/from Amiga -------------------------------- Floppies and removable media can be formatted in MSDOS format. The Amiga can then read and write to them using CrossDos which is included in AmigaDOS 2.x and higher. CrossDos can also format a MSDOS disk, but it takes a while. Mac to/from Amiga -------------------------- The Mac can also read and write MSDOS format floppies using the Apple File Exchange utility which comes with the Mac operating system. AFE is not automatically installed so you may have to get off the master diskettes if you cannot find it on your Mac. AFE can also format a disk as MSDOS. AFE MUST BE RUNNING BEFORE you insert the MSDOS disk or it won't recognize it!! 54. C04 -------------- How can I uudecode messages from binary newsgroups? MASSDECODE is an ARexx script by Gregg Giles which will scan all newsgroups for uuencoded binaries, joins the parts of a single binary, and decodes the binary. Ideal for those who want to have binary newsgroups decoded automatically and have the resulting binaries put online for their users to download and/or access. - Page 21 - 54. C04 It is available from Aminet as comm/news/MassDecode1.1.lha 55. Generic (G) ============ Help with basic terminology, not complete answers. G01 What is a network? G01a Hardware G01b Protocols G01c Applications G02 What is the Internet and Usenet? G03 How do I connect? G03a modem to modem G03b modem to commercial services G03c direct to WAN provider G04 What is a server? G05 What is an archive? G06 What is a mirror? G07 What are Gopher, WWW, and WAIS? G08 What are Mosaic, html, http, and browser? G09 What are Veronica and Archie? G10 What is news? G11 What is a Set top? 56. G01 -------------------- What is a network? short answer: Interconnected computers. A network is two or more computers that can interconnect in a peer to peer or client to server fashion most often over a shared and often virtual connection. This is in direct contrast to the old terminal to host hard wired connection. A network can still support terminal to host connections via terminal emulators or terminal servers, but provides much greater flexibility in switching connections. A network is accomplished using three basic components. Hardware, protocols (software), and Applications (useful software ;-) Each of these is actually comprised of several layers, but we won't worry with the details. There are many books on the subject as well as technical specs for the standards. But you will need some knowledge of the lingo in order to configure your networking software correctly. Consulting with your LAN administrator or WAN service provider is also highly advisable for checking your network software configuration. - Page 22 - 56. G01 Among the many books on the subject is "Connect your Amiga!" by Dale Larson of IAM . I mention Dale's book because it explicitly deals with the Amiga whereas most of the rest are generic. The concept of layers is very important to networking and computer designs as well. Each layer "protects" the layer above from the layer below so that one layer can change with minimum impact on the upper layers. In some cases this protection is so good that an application may not know that it is running on different hardware. The OSI network model defines seven layers, but we are going to reduce it to three broad categories. a => hardware b => protocols c => applications G01a G01b G01c 57. G01a ------------------------ Hardware At the heart of a network is a shared cable often called a Backbone. In the simple case this is a PARnet cable to connect two Amigas via the parallel port. Both machines share the cable. A more complex example is an ethernet cable which without special equipment can be 1000ft in length or more with a hundred or so computers attached all interconnecting at once. This is known as a LAN or Local Area Network. A cheaper but far more limited LAN Backbone is Localtalk which Apple unleashed upon the world. bridges, routers, and gateways Oh my! To overcome the distance and node limitation of ethernet wiring you need at least a bridge which basically acts as a repeater. A bridge can also do a limited amount of filtering so that traffic between the LAN segments is more efficient. There are also distance limitations with bridges, so a more complex piece of equipment is needed called a router. A router provides many more tools for controlling the flow of information between segments, and can even provide some level of security. Special security configurations of routers are know as firewalls. For really long distances leased lines or satellite links are used between the routers thus forming a Wide Area Network or WAN. These links are usually provided by common carriers or some WAN providers . This all works great as long as the two machines are the same brand, but since there is more than one vendor there is more than one "language" called a protocol for communicating. A gateway must be used to translate between the protocols. As an alternative to a gateway, some routers are able to handle multiple protocols at the same time. Gateways are also used most heavily for converting between electronic mail formats or to go between two different physical media such as ethernet and Localtalk or ethernet and SLIP. See the Envoy specific question section for an example. The gateway provides access to other parts of a network that would not otherwise be directly accessible. A router is dedicated to keeping track of routes through gateways and other routers to various domains. On large networks your default gateway will often point to a router. - Page 23 - 57. G01a The distinction between gateways, routers, and bridges is not absolute since many of the functions of each can be included in a single product. In fact some companies call their product a brouter because it performs both as a bridge and a router. Another device that is used on large networks is called a __NAMESERVER__. A nameserver maintains a database of machine names and their numeric addresses. Computers use numbers, but humans use names. The nameserver allows the computer to look up the numeric address when you use a name. In addition to the nameserver you can maintain a HOSTS file locally which is used first by your computer when trying to translate a name into a number. The above terminology is slanted towards the TCP/IP protocol because that is (for better or worse) what you will most likely encounter. ethernet cable 58. ethernet cable ------------------------------------ While looking through the What's New page of Mosaic, I stumbled across the Ethernet Web Page. It references an ethernet FAQ from the comp.dcom.lans.ethernet news group. So if you don't find your answer in this crude introduction then try their FAQ. the URL for the web page is: http://wwwhost.ots.utexas.edu/ethernet/ethernet-home.html the gopher URL for the FAQ is: gopher://mojo.ots.utexas.edu/11/netinfo/ethernet/ethernet-faq An ethernet cable comes in several flavors. The maximum length of your LAN segment is determined by which flavor you choose or which flavors you intermix. There is twisted pair, thin coax and thick coax ethernet cables. Each of these are rated at 10Mbit per second. Note that this is the TOTAL capacity (bandwidth) of the cable NOT the speed between any two nodes. The speed between nodes is determined by how many nodes are trying to communicate at any given time. Even with only two nodes communicating you will NOT get the entire bandwidth of the cable. The maximum is usually only around three Mega bits per second. The thick coax was the first used. It ran as a backbone through a building with taps and drop cables for each node (computer). Thin coax came into favor because of lower cost and ease of installation. Thus thin coax is often called cheaper net. It has a shorter overall maximum length than thick. It is routed in a daisy chain style using tee connectors at each node. There are adapters to go between thick and thin, but your overall length can be reduced to that of thin. There are devices called hubs which may not reduce the limit and can provide conversion between one cable type to another. Twisted pair is the current rage because it can be used for other things as well, such as voice. You can wire an entire building with twisted pair and decide at the wiring closet what service will be provided. Ethernet over twisted pair is called 10BaseT and is most often configured as a star with an ethernet concentrator at the center usually in a wiring closet. The concentrator allows for the longer length required for a star configuration. Using a concentrator provides the LAN administrator a lot of other benefits and options such as diagnostic tools and functions for - Page 24 - 58. ethernet cable monitoring the health of the LAN segment. Several grades of twisted pair wire exist. The best class can also carry FDDI which is a fairly new high speed token-ring style network architecture. FDDI can handle speeds of 100Mbit per second. FDDI is usually carried over fiber optic cable for long distances. There are also Gigabit per second network architectures for short distance applications such as a cluster of compute servers. As far as I know there are NO FDDI or faster adapters for the Amiga at this time. So the same wire can carry either FDDI or Ethernet so how do they differ? Good question. It is obviously NOT just the wire. Ethernet and FDDI are also specifications for how the electrical signals will be transmitted and interpreted over the wire. The Ethernet spec was originally developed by Xerox and DEC, and is now defined by the IEEE standards committee. IEEE 802.3 is one of the main ethernet standards in use. One reason FDDI came into being is that ethernet performance degrades rapidly as you approach the capacity of the bandwidth. This means you are limited in the number of nodes that a LAN segment can support. Depending on the activity level of the nodes you may be able to support as many as 100 nodes on a LAN segment. Beyond that and you should consider subdividing into multiple LAN segments with bridges and routers. 59. G01b ------------------------ Protocols A protocol is software that is required to use the physical connection. It is responsible for establishing the connection and sending and receiving the data in packets. Modem software is a crude example. The software is called a protocol because there must be cooperating software on each end, but they don't have to written by the same vendor. Instead a "protocol" for the proper exchange of data is defined and released as a standard (such as TCP-IP ) or licensed as proprietary (such as DECnet ). As long as the vendor on each end adheres to the protocol a connection can be sustained which will support an application. TCP/IP is in the broadest use for several reasons, but mostly because vendors could get and use the standard for basically free. DECnet was very popular because of its robustness and the quality of the VAX systems. The low cost, graphics power, and lure of a standard operating system drew users to UNIX systems which used TCP/IP because of the cost and availability. This has resulted in DECnet falling way behind in numbers. A distant third is Appletalk or Ethertalk as it is called when it is run over Ethernet. This protocol is best used for LAN's, and it also suffers from being proprietary. Due to the constant growing of the size of the wide area networks (WAN), a more robust protocol is required which will support a large number of addresses which is the numeric value assigned to each computer on a network. Two approaches are being worked currently. One is to revamp and extend TCP/IP while maintaining backwards compatibility. The other is an international standards effort called OSI Open Systems Interconnect. OSI is moving very slowly which is making it difficult to gain vendor support. TCP/IP will almost certainly be enhanced regardless if OSI is successful or not. In addition to these major protocols there are numerous other proprietary protocols such as SNA by IBM or IPX by Novell. Some fill special niche requirements, and some of them don't scale well to the WAN environment. Some are so proprietary they will not run on but a single vendor's hardware. - Page 25 - 59. G01b The latest wrinkle in the protocol world are SLIP and PPP which allow the TCP/IP protocol to be used over a modem connection. Typically a remote machine such as a laptop is hooked by modem to a new generation of terminal servers which can convert between SLIP or PPP and regular TCP/IP. The terminal server is connected to the LAN and therefore the remote user has full (although slower) TCP/IP access to the LAN. DECnet can also be configured to use a serial connection. TCP-IP DECnet SLIP PPP SANA II UUCP 60. TCP-IP ------------------------ TCP-IP is a protocol that has been released as a standard which means that vendors can implement it independently and freely and yet it still works. The standard is defined and described in RFC documents which are available electronically. Lots of free source code and the ability to use it royality free make TCP/IP attractive to vendors. It has been implemented by a large number of different vendors and therefore is popular on the Internet. For more information on the Internet and TCP-IP concepts see ZEN TCP/IP as the name implies is more than one layer. The IP layer takes care of the lowest layers of the protocol and is responsible for talking to the device drivers (data link layers). The TCP is one of two "transport" layer protocols which handles the packetizing of the data. TCP is a reliable service because it insures that the packets are put back into the right order and that they are all received. If you send packets "a", "b", "c", then TCP will make sure they are received as "abc" and not "bca". UDP is the other transport protocol and it is unreliable, but has less overhead. The applications ride on these lower protocol layers. There are a number of applications defined in the TCP/IP standards, but vendors are only required to supply the lower layers. See the applications section for a partial list of TCP/IP applications. For instructions on using the FTP application see the FTP FAQ TCP/IP standard also provides for programming hooks which can use ports and sockets to allow programs to talk to one another over the network. The World Wide Web (WWW) and Internet Relay Chat (IRC) are two examples of how these hooks can be exploited. Any programmer can use these hooks for their own programs. AS225 and AmiTCP are Amiga implementations of TCP/IP. 61. DECnet -------------------------- DECnet is a proprietary standard belonging to DEC which is also made up layers in a similar manner to TCP/IP. They break up the job quite a bit differently. For instance with DECnet there is no need for a separate NFS application. You can see a remote nodes disk drives by simply including the DECnet node name in the directory command. DECnet has two ways of - Page 26 - 61. DECnet handling terminal traffic. For the WAN you use the SET host function of DECnet, but it is more efficient for local traffic to use the LAT protocol. The older model DEC terminal servers only supported LAT or asynchronous DECnet. Newer models also support SLIP and PPP (check the manuals) since DEC now makes computers that use TCP/IP as well. TSSnet DECnet is an Amiga implementation of DECnet. 62. SLIP ----------------------- SLIP Serial Line Internet Protocol See RFC 1055 for details. CSLIP adds a compression technique. For details read RFC 1144. SLIP allows your computer to run TCP/IP over the serial port. This allows your computer to have a TCP/IP address. TCP/IP applications such as FTP can now use TCP/IP to deliver packets directly to your address. An analogy would be instead of having to go to the post office to get your mail, you now have a mailbox to which the postman can deliver your mail. In more technical terms you are no longer a terminal; you have become a node. SLIP is a "data link" protocol. It sits between the serial port and the IP stack. It pretty much takes the packets from IP, adds a wrapper to them, and sends them out the serial port. It also takes packets from the serial port, unwraps them, and passes them up to IP. SLIP has several problems, including the fact that it is designed entirely for TCP-IP, and is therefore of limited use for other protocols. Too many people ask for "SLIP" when they really want "TCP/IP" with a SLIP driver. You have to have both. Just like a terminal program is of little use without a serial.device driver. SLIP is not a full protocol it fits in one of the layers between hardware and the protocol. It acts more like a device driver. application (AMosaic, telnet, ftp, etc.) -------------- protocol (TCP/IP) -------------- SLIP or PPP -------------- hardware (serial port) 63. PPP ----------------------- PPP Point to Point Protocol For more info see: RFC 1332, 1333, 1334, 1376, 1377, 1548, 1549,1552, and 1570. PPP allows your computer to run TCP/IP over the serial port. This allows your computer to have a TCP/IP address. TCP/IP applications such as FTP can now use TCP/IP to deliver packets directly to your address. An analogy would be instead of having to go to the post office to get your mail, you now have a mailbox to which the postman can deliver your mail. In more technical terms you are no longer a terminal; you have become a node. - Page 27 - 63. PPP PPP is the committee-designed protocol which is supposed to be a sort of "universal" SLIP. It is intended to replace SLIP, while providing for all sorts of conditions, including the ability of use over non TCP/IP protocols. The two state machines in PPP are a real pain to implement. UNIX folks love it because a PPP implementation exists, and they pretty much type "MAKE" and it works. PPP's good points: - PPP users checksums (FCS) SLIP does not - PPP allows more than one protocol at a time, SLIP does not - PPP automatically negotiates IP addresses, SLIP does not - PPP can be used on non-transparent lines (e.g. when XON/XOFF is used by the modems), SLIP cannot Several Amiga versions of PPP are in the works. A shareware version called ppp.device by Holger Kruse has been released on Aminet !!!!!!! news flash !!!!!!!!! For dynamic IP addresses you need the latest bootpconfig file. It is available from kampi.hut.fi in AmiTCP/bpc15.lha Downloading "HowToUsePPP.lha" from Aminet probably wouldn't hurt either. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PPP is not a full protocol it fits in one of the layers between hardware and the protocol. It acts more like a device driver. application (AMosaic, telnet, ftp, etc.) -------------- protocol (TCP/IP) -------------- PPP or SLIP -------------- hardware (serial port) 64. SANA II --------------------------- SANA was an experimental DATA-link and API paper written by Dale Luck for a DevCon several years ago. Dale suggested two schemes for creating standard interfaces for the data-link layer and protocol stack APIs. After Dale left Commodore, the work passed to several other people-- and the "API" part was removed. After it had touched several people's hands, SANA-II was put together. SANA-II is nothing more than a standard for writing device drivers. Having something which is SANA-II doesn't help you do networking unless you have a real protocol stack communicating through it. FAR too many people have seen "SANA-II", and "Amiga networking standard", and assumed too much. It is just a device driver standard whose purpose is to prevent - Page 28 - 64. SANA II networking packages from hard coding to specific hardware. This is similar to the reason for packet drivers in the PC clone arena. A side benefit to SANA-II is that it allows multiple protocols to share the same ethernet card. 65. UUCP --------------------------- UUCP (Unix to Unix CoPy) is an old protocol used for transferring files between un*x boxes. Versions of UUCP were written for other operating systems and platforms including the Amiga. UUCP is not interactive like a terminal program, but more of a batch process. You give a list of commands ahead of time and then at the specified time it calls another machine, executes the commands which usually sends some files and receives what the other machine has for it, and then hangs up. A store and forward methodology as opposed to a dynamic constantly available method. AmigaUUCP UUCP-FAQ 66. G01c -------------------------- Applications The applications are the part of the network that a user is most likely to see, but are useless without the hardware and protocols. Applications allow a user to emulate a terminal, copy files, send electronic mail, browse and search databases, and use applications remotely. TCP/IP applications: """"""""""""""""""""""""" telnet ----- terminal access FTP ------- file transfer protocol ( copy files) SMTP ----- Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (email) or Send Mail To People as my friend calls it. NFS ------ Network File System (remote mount disks) PARnet provides a similar service on a much smaller scale. NSLookup -- find address corresponding to a host name or vice-versa. basically provides access to the DNS database records. Finger --- See who is logged in or access an X500 email database Xwindows-- Use graphics programs on a remote system. An attempt at a hardware independent terminal emulator. Cost and speed are its biggest drawbacks. NEWS ---- A BBS style messaging system global in scale NEWS FAQ NNTP ---- A protocol that supports NEWS RN ------ One of many NEWS readers HTTP --- Created at CERN, Mosaic uses this to talk to WWW servers - Page 29 - 66. G01c IRC --- Internet Rely Chat, grapevine on the Amiga uses this DECnet applications: """"""""""""""""""""""""""" Set Host --- Terminal Access host to host LAT --------- terminal access terminal to host Copy -------- copy files between DEC hosts (emulated on non-DEC hosts) VMSmail --- electronic mail (must have gateway to reach non-DEC systems Dir ---------- Can be used to read remote disks DECWindows ------ Same as Xwindows task to task ---------- Hooks which allow user or vendor written applications to communicate between computers Ethertalk (Appletalk) applications: """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Appleshare ----- Allows remote disk access (file copying) Chooser --------- Supports network printing and other services including Appleshare Electronic mail and terminal emulation for Ethertalk must be bought from a third party, and may require TCP/IP or DECnet drivers as well. 67. G02 --------------------- What is the Internet and Usenet? Two examples of WAN's which use entirely different techniques, but whose services are overlapping. There are interconnections and usenet traffic can and does travel across the internet, but for the most part they are separate networks. Also the Internet is actually many networks which are interconnected on a world wide scale. Usenet utilizes the phone system and temporary links to move information between systems. It uses a system of store and forward. It stores up outgoing messages. Then on a periodic basis makes a connection to a specific computer and forwards the messages, and downloads any incoming messages then breaks the connection. A popular usenet protocol is UUCP and the most popular application is NEWS which is also now on the Internet. The Internet on the other hand is mostly a shared backbone which is always available between the primary systems. The usenet does not use dynamic routers. An Internet router is always on and always connected to other routers. An internet router immediately determines an incoming message's next destination and immediately sends it on its way. A usenet "router" waits until the next scheduled connection time before sending the message on its way. The most common protocol on the Internet is TCP-IP and one of the most popular applications is Mosaic which relies heavily on FTP and Gopher. - Page 30 - 67. G02 68. G03 --------------------- How do I connect? There are three basic ways with more to come hopefully. a) modem to modem b) modem to commercial service c) direct to WAN provider Or if the company where you work has a network, you should contact your local network administrator about the procedures for getting network access at your company. G03a G03b G03c 69. G03a ------------------------- modem to modem This is basically the poor man's network, but it works well. Usenet uses this method. Since there is some overlap between usenet and the internet you can gain some access to the internet such as mail or news. To get on the Usenet you have to either know someone who is already on it and daisy chain from them. Or you can access a BBS which offers usenet access. User groups and BBS are also good places to ask for usenet access. Also you can check the UUCP FAQ for information. Of course if you are lucky enough to have an account and modem connection to a machine on the internet you can access most things as terminal and use FTP to move files to your dial up host. You will need a file transfer program to transfer from your dial up host to your machine. Two recent protocols have evolved called SLIP and PPP which make the intermediate system transparent and provide full TCP/IP connectivity over a modem. In fact the intermediate system need be nothing more than a terminal server which supports SLIP or PPP. Both SLIP and PPP allow your computer to have an address so that TCP/IP applications can talk directly to your node. (i.e. your machine becomes a node, not a terminal) PPP can support other protocols than TCP/IP. Some universities and some public access programs such as FREEnet offer free dial up accounts. If you can't find one of these or USEnet access, then you will need to try option B modem to commercial services, or option C direct to WAN provider. 70. G03b -------------------------- modem to commercial services - Page 31 - 70. G03b Several commercial services such as Portal, BIX, and Compuserve now provide internet access to varying degrees as part of their service. and in essence have become WAN providers . If you have internet access this makes these services far more accessible. If you don't have internet access, they make _some_ of the internet services available to you. As mentioned before file transfer is a two step process. However, more and more commercial services are providing SLIP and PPP connections which eliminate the two step process by giving your remote host its own internet address. They also provide full internet access, but some applications require more speed than an analog modem can provide. 71. G03c ------------------------- direct to WAN provider The WAN providers offer many kinds of connectivity from a normal dial up BBS to a full blown high speed WAN connection. Full Blown WAN Cheaper WAN WAN-shopping WAN providers 72. Full Blown WAN -------------------------------------- The full blown WAN connection is the FASTEST, most flexible and the most expensive. This type of connection is most useful for a group such as a business with a LAN, since this type of connection provides a router at your site. Generally connection speeds start at 56 Kbit/sec and go up. A full blown WAN connection also requires a great deal of expertise to manage. You must learn security, configuration, and troubleshooting techniques. Some WAN providers will provide these services for additional fees. The setup of a WAN connection is WELL beyond the scope of an FAQ, but there are numerous courses and books available if you wish to do the job yourself. Also the documentation that comes with the software and hardware is mandatory reading. 73. Cheaper WAN -------------------------------------- Cheaper WAN: You basically pay for access to a modem, termserver port, and use of the router at the providers site. They take care of most of the management headaches. Over this connection they provide SLIP and PPP which require some networking knowledge on the user's part but not as much as managing a LAN. SLIP and PPP offer a full set of internet services, but at a lower speed. Generally you are limited to what speeds the local telco can provide. The fastest is currently ISDN, but that can be expensive and has limited availability. So most will also offer standard analog modem connections of 14.4K or higher. - Page 32 - 73. WAN-shopping 74. WAN-shopping ------------------------------------ Shopping for the right level of WAN connectivity can be difficult. SLIP and PPP may offer a more cost effective method of accessing commercial services than a standard dial up service while also providing access to archive and WWW servers. You have to run the cost comparisons yourself to see. O'Reilly & Associates, Inc publishes a good book that offers some good ideas for doing cost comparisons. It is called "Connecting To The INTERNET" an O'Reilly Buyer's Guide. Another book to look for is "Connect your Amiga!" by Dale Larson of IAM . I'm sure there are other books as well. Time to head to the bookstore ;-) 75. WAN providers -------------------------------------- To get a fairly current list of WAN providers you can check your local bookstore. Most books on the Internet contain lists of WAN providers. To get a more current list you can use electronic mail to get a copy of Peter Kaminski's PDIAL list. Send a message with "Send PDIAL" as the subject line. Send the message to info-deli-server@netcom.com Or you can subscribe by using "Subscribe PDIAL" as the subject line. You will then automatically get any updates to the list. PDIAL is also available from the news.answers FAQ archive . 76. G04 -------------------- What is a server? A server is a computer which acts like a library for files, and programs. It can also be set up to allow users to change the information as well. Several programs and protocols exist for creating a server: Appleshare, NFS, Xwindows, FTP, news, gopher, WWW, DCE, SQL, and user written applications. Appleshare and NFS make remote disks seem like local disks. Thus allowing a group of users to share disk space and information if so desired. Xwindows is a device independent network terminal package which supports a graphical user interface. It can be thought of as an display server. The application can be run on one machine and the display served to any Xwindow device on the network. If Excel had a X window version it could be run on a Mac or PC and the display could be on any Xwindow device anywhere on the network. It could even be displayed on an Amiga using X11R4 . FTP server software allows you offer a portion or all of your disk drive for remote access. Unlike Appleshare or X windows you cannot run applications remotely. FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol and file transfer is all that it does. It does provide a binary mode of transfer so that you can copy applications to your local hard drive or ram and then run them. News, gopher, and WWW are special servers for information which require a client software package to access. They can be thought of as network databases. These are explained in other sections. G07 - Page 33 - 76. G04 SQL is standard query language and DCE is distributed computing environment. SQL and DCE can be used in vendor or user written applications to create or access multiple database servers. This allows the programmer to distribute the load across several machines. Also it allows for more seamless integration of data from several non-similar computer systems in a transparent manner to the user. For example, very few executives want to FTP to three or four machines to pull together the information for review. They tend to like to click on a weekly report button and have the program do all the work. Since SQL and DCE are standards the weekly report program is somewhat shielded from hardware specifics or changes. 77. G05 --------------------- What is an archive? A computer site which advertises and stores a large amount of public domain and share ware software and documentation. 78. G06 --------------------- What is a mirror? Some archives are heavily used and therefore must be supported by multiple sites which are often located very far apart. Each site should ideally have identical information available therefore they are mirrors of each other. When one site gets a new file it must be mirrored to the other sites usually using FTP. 79. G07 --------------------- What are Gopher, WWW, and WAIS? Three kinds of network information servers. Each more powerful than the next, but with some interconnectivity. Each server requires a client application to allow the user to access the information. For Example, a Mosaic client can access all three servers. The main purpose of these client/servers is to help a user navigate the Internet to find information and files. Gopher is a menu utility which simply uses FTP for retrieving files from archive sites. Gopher also uses a search utility called Veronica for aiding users in finding files in the gopher archive sites. Veronica can do keyword searches whereas Archie can only search for file names. WAIS is Wide Area Information Server which provides information lookup services to libraries and databases on the Internet. A simple WAIS client allows the user to select databases to search from a list. The user then provides keywords to search for, and the WAIS client allows the user to view any matches found. This is cumbersome once the list of databases grows into the thousands. Screenfull after screenfull of database names scroll by. As of March 16, 1994 future versions of WAIS server & client library will be known as ZDist NOT freeWAIS. freeWAIS is based on the older version of the search and retrieval protocol Z39.50-1988. The newest version of that protocol Z39.50-1992 is NOT backwards compatible. Since both versions will be around for awhile, a name change for the server/client software libraries had to be established. Both freeWAIS and ZDist are maintained by CNIDR. Kevin Gamiel is the contact. - Page 34 - 79. G07 It should be noted that the Z39.50 protocol is a standard which is NOT published or maintained by CNIDR, but is publicly available. Z39.50-1992 is the protocol of choice for many other network based information search and retrieval applications besides WAIS. Much more info is available thru Mosaic by searching on CNIDR, WAIS, or Z39. WWW is world wide web and uses http and html to make its hypertext and multimedia services available to mosaic and Amosaic clients over the Internet. WAIS support is being added to Mosaic. Mosaic offers WAIS an effective interface and WAIS offers Mosaic an effective search engine. All three of these servers use the TCP/IP protocol, and all have both public domain and commercial versions of the clients. 80. G08 --------------------- What are Mosaic, html, http, and browser? Mosaic is a hypertext based multimedia interface for browsing the Internet, thus it is referred to as a browser. Mosaic is the name of the browser created by NCSA for Xwindows, Macs, and Windows. In the last year several other browsers have been created for the various platforms. Some are free and others are commercial. Amosaic is developed by public domain effort for the Amiga. Although it may not have all the toots and whistles of the other browsers, it is free! Also, it was started after the others and thus has to play catchup. Development of all of the browsers has been slowed down because they are all dependent on html and http which are in a state of change. The browsers are primarily used to access the thousands of World Wide Web (WWW) servers, but can also be used to access WAIS, Gopher, and others. They enable the user to click on hypertext links which will automatically use the network services such as FTP to retrieve the information pointed to by the link regardless if it is text, sound, or graphics. They utilize shareware and public domain viewers and players of the users choice to play the sounds or to display the pictures or animations. Thus the browser is a point and click front end to a wide array of other software. Navigating the Web can be a challenge due the enormous size, but there are several tools that make it easier. The simplest tool is the usage of a common naming convention for the main WWW servers. Most large organizations have their primary server named www. For example, NASA's primary server is called www.nasa.gov. Microsoft's server is called www.microsoft.com. Can you guess what NewTek's server is called ? Once you know the name of the server, it is very easy to create the URL which the browser needs to make the connection. URL stands for Universal Resource Locator which is just a scheme for specifying the type of link to make, to which host, and optionally which file. To open NASA's front door (primary home page) just use the Open URL menu option and type: http://www.nasa.gov This says make an http connection to www.nasa.gov. Since no file was specified it will get the default home page for that server. Other navigation tools include search utilities, the what's new page, and indexes by category or subject. Most of this is explained on line. Just go explore. html - Page 35 - 80. G08 http 81. html ------------------ html stands for HyperText Markup Language. Html is used to build WWW pages which can be accessed locally or served to the world using a WWW server running http . Html files are ASCII text files. The html commands are included with the text and are interpreted by the browser rather than shown. Html commands include page formatting and URL links. Universal Resource Locators (URL) are the links between this page and other pages throughout the WWW. Any page you view with a browser can be saved locally as an html page. These files can be edited locally which allows you to cut and paste interesting links into your own html page of favorite links. Although studying how other web pages are built can be helpful, it is not the best way to learn proper html. As stated earlier html is in a state of change. Therefore what works on one browser may not work on another browser which uses an earlier version of html. CERN wrote the original HTML and HTTP. NCSA wrote Mosaic and added features to html. Version 2.0 is the current version of html, and version 3.0 is nearing completion. There are numerous online documents describing html, but for the basics take a look at "A beginner's Guide to HTML." For other sources of info on html check out the WWW FAQ at http://sunsite.unc.edu/boutell/faq/www_faq.html 82. http ------------------- http is the protocol that is used between the client (browser) and the server (WWW). The client submits a request for a particular URL, and that server responds with the appropriate file or information. In order to make html pages on your machine available to others your machine must run an http server software package. Http server software is included in the Amosaic archive for the Amiga. Since html is ASCII text, you can build your pages on the Amiga and allow any platform with http server software to serve them for you to the WWW. 83. G09 -------------------- What are Veronica and Archie? Archie is the older of the two search tools. A user submits a query to Archie or Veronica and they search their database for the location of files or programs. Veronica is associated with the Gopher servers. Both require TCP/IP at some point. Although both can be queried by electronic mail. There is an Archie client available for AmiTCP via anonymous FTP from ftp.demon.co.uk in the /pub/amiga/amitcp directory. 84. G10 ----------------------- What is news? NEWS is a global BBS run by everyone and no one. I will describe it briefly here, but see the NEWS FAQ for details. NEWS is made up of broad topics called news groups, to which people can post or respond to posts. Anyone can create a new post, but new news - Page 36 - 84. G10 groups are added based on an email voting system. A few groups are moderated, but most are not. NEWS is available via usenet, the internet, and some commercial services. Almost NOBODY carries ALL the news groups. User access is through a news reader application that accesses a news server. There are many variations of news readers. Several for the Amiga can be found on Aminet and Fred Fish . GRn by Michael Smith is one. Arn by Roland Bless (rob@spirits.ka.sub.org) is another. NEWS began life on a college campus and then became the USENET news as it spread to other college campuses and beyond via UUCP . Today it is also carried across the Internet using the NNTP application over TCP/IP. The links between servers are set up manually by news server administrators and the links are called news feeds. A lot of the feeds come and go, since they are done on an informal basis. GRn in combination with INetUtils allows you to access news over either NNTP or UUCP. 85. G11 ------------------------ What is a Set top? A twinkle in some entrepreneur's eye. It will most likely occupy the __TOP__ of your television __SET__. Some call it Interactive TV. Some call it info-pliances. It could possibly bring the internet to your home via cable TV or phone lines, but more than likely it will only bring limited expensive services. AT&T says, "YOU WILL." I say, "I AIN'T YET." A recent newspaper article listed the following companies as competition for IBM in the set top market: General Instrument, Scientific Atlanta, 3DO, and Nintendo. NO mention of HP, Sony, SEGA, or Commodore. Hmmmmmmm. 86. Software-Specs ================ Specifications for Amiga Networking Software AmigaELM AmigaNOSFlavors AmiTCP AmigaUUCP Amosaic AS225 DECnet DNET ENLAN-DFS Envoy - Page 37 - 86. Software-Specs GRn INetUtils netser.device Offline-Orbit PPP.device Termite TIN TorqueWare (TM) VLT X11R4 87. AmigaELM --------------------------- AmigaELM by Andreas M. Kirchwitz. elm-fan@zikzak.in-berlin.de AmigaELM is available on AmiNET and is an electronic mail utility for UUCP that allows you to read and post mail through a remote unix mail box. It can also be setup to run without UUCP on the Amiga. AmigaELM 4 (4.159) was just announced in c.s.a.announce Announcements are archived on Aminet so I won't repeat the text here. AmigaELM is shareware. It works with MetaMail which is also on Aminet. MetaMail handles a lot of different MIME message types. You should also pick up a copy of INetUtils from Aminet . It has a SMTP client which is suppose to work with AmigaELM. SMTP is the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol or the Send Mail To People protocol as my friend calls it. SMTP is a defined standard for email over the TCP/IP protocol and therefore is widely used on the Internet. This SMTP client is not suppose to require a remote mailbox. 88. AmigaNOSFlavors ------------------------------------ AmigaNOS and AmigaNOSGW are Amiga ports of the PD TCP/IP package for MS-DOS called "ka9q". Note that there are MANY versions of "ka9q" which tends to make them somewhat unstable, since they have so many variations. AmigaNOS is a program that will allow one to participate in the Internet (or any TCP/ IP network for that matter) via one of two dial-up TCP/IP protocols: SLIP or PPP. It also works with HAM radio equipment. Both programs are a single, integrated "package" of the required TCP/IP protocols (e.g.; TCP, IP, UDP, etc.) and some TCP/IP applications/commands (e.g.; Finger, Telnet, Ping, SMTP). Though the required file structure may seem daunting at first, it is actually simpler to set up than is AmiTCP. Both AmigaNOS and AmigaNOSGW are very close in capability and can be considered equal, in general, for TCP/IP. The main differences between the two versions is that Graham Walter's version, AmigaNOSGW, comes with an external Gopher client program and has an ARexx port. - Page 38 - 88. AmigaNOSFlavors The following data, from the Feb. '94 AmigaWorld article "Net Gains" , by Jim Dutton, provides a brief listing of the major functions of the two Amiga TCP/IP packages. AmigaNOS (V2.9p) - John Heaton - Public Domain (available from via anonymous FTP) - requirements: modem - provides full TCP/IP "protocol stack/suite" plus applications * FTP, TELNET (ANSI: pseudo DEC VT100), Rlogin * SMTP (client & server)/DIGGER, POP2 (client) * TCP/IP/UDP, NNTP, RIP/RSPF/ARP, SLIP/PPP * FINGER, Mailbox/Chatnode * TTYlink, ECHO/DISCARD/PING, HOPCHECK, Route, Message - amenities: mem,shell,pwd,cd,dir,help files via Less,internal multitasking, extensive and easy to invoke statistics - drawbacks: no SANA-II support; opens serial.device in Exclusive mode AmigaNOSGW (V6) - Graham Walter - Public Domain (get it by anonymous FTP from newgate.demon.co.uk) - requirements: modem - provides full TCP/IP "protocol stack/suite" plus application hooks * FTP, TELNET (ANSI: pseudo DEC VT100), Rlogin * SMTP (client & server)/DIGGER, POP2 (client) * TCP/IP/UDP, NNTP, RIP/RSPF/ARP, SLIP/PPP * FINGER, Mailbox/Chatnode * TTYlink, ECHO/DISCARD/PING, HOPCHECK, Route, Message - amenities: internal multitasking, external clients, ARexx port, Gopher client (requires AmigaGuide) which can also do some WWW - drawbacks: no SANA-II support; opens serial.device in Exclusive mode Gopher (V1.7) - Graham Walter - Public Domain (get it by anonymous FTP from newgate.demon.co.uk) - requirements: AmigaNOSGW (V6), AmigaGuide - Page 39 - 88. AmigaNOSFlavors - provides a GUI based/hypertext Internet Gopher client * request Gopher servers for files and/or services that they have * supports some World Wide Web files (eg; HTTP) 89. AmiTCP --------------------- Versions 2 to 3.0b2 of AmiTCP are GNU-ware versions of TCP-IP for the Amiga. It will work with SLIP or ethernet cards. For more details see the AmiTCP FAQ Version 4.0 is now commercial. A demo version is available on Aminet . The commercial version is available from the original authors the Network Solutions Development Inc. (NSDi). For ordering information send an email message to info@nsdi.fi which contains the text "SEND AMITCP ORDER" in the body of the message. NSDI can also be contacted by sending email to amitcp-group@nsdi.fi or postal mail to NSDI, POB 32, FIN-02151 ESPOO, Finland, Europe. or by FAX: +358-0-452 1998 They also have a Web page which can be reached off the Amiga home page of Mr. Witbrock. AmiTCP can be a bear to install, but if you read ALL of the docs it should go easier. Especially the AmiTCP FAQ written by Mike Meyer and Neil McRae. 90. AmigaUUCP -------------------------- AmigaUUCP is a port of Unix to Unix CoPy UUCP to the Amiga. It allows an Amiga to participate in the USEnet network. It has it's own UUCP FAQ There are actually several versions of UUCP for the Amiga. I've lumped it all here to make it easier on me. As I sort it out I may divide it into more informative nodes. Parts of UUPC (a version of UUCP by John Gilmore) were ported to the Amiga by William P. Loftus in 1986. After developing a system that worked for him, it was taken over by Matthew Dillon, who (along with a cast of dozens) developed it into a full-fledged UUCP package. Matt maintained AmigaUUCP (often called DUUCP) from 1988 until 1992. In 1992, Matt had the press of other obligations; and after the release of AmigaUUCP v1.16, turned the buglists over to Michael B. Smith. Michael is in the process of releasing AmigaUUCP v1.17. v1.17beta has been available freely for some months (currently at update #4). After Matt quit working on UUCP, Kai 'wusel' Siering also started on a version of UUCP based on AmigaUUCP v1.15. It has most of the v1.16 enhancements as well as other features. 91. Amosaic -------------------- !!!!!!!!! News Flash !!!!!!!!!!!! Version 1.3 of AMosaic is now available so some of this stuff is dated. - Page 40 - 91. Amosaic The Big News for 1.3 is that it supports proxies so that you can talk through a firewall router. To do so you must set some environment variables on the Amiga. Here is a list that Stefan posted: open a shell window and type: Setenv WWW_file_GATEWAY http://proxy.domain.foo.bar/ Setenv WWW_ftp_GATEWAY http://proxy.domain.foo.bar/ Setenv WWW_gopher_GATEWAY http://proxy.domain.foo.bar/ Setenv WWW_http_GATEWAY http://proxy.domain.foo.bar/ Setenv WWW_news_GATEWAY http://proxy.domain.foo.bar/ Setenv WWW_telnet_GATEWAY http://proxy.domain.foo.bar/ Setenv WWW_wais_GATEWAY http://proxy.domain.foo.bar/ where proxy.domain.foo.bar should be replaced by the domain name of your WWW proxy gateway. !!!!!!!!! Amosaic is a freeware version for the Amiga of NCSA's Mosaic. A hypertext based multimedia interface for accessing the Internet. AMosaic allows you to browse and retrieve files using a point and click interface. With a single mouse click you can retrieve and view a text file, a picture, or an MPEG movie. Or you can download the most recent version of your favorite program from one of the archive sites. Use one of the many search utilities, and ride the wave of pointers to sites all around the globe! They don't call it the World Wide Web (WWW) for nothing ;-) Amosaic is available via FTP from max.physics.sunysb.edu or via Mosaic from the Amiga home page by Witbrock. Amosaic is also available on Aminet in the /comm/net directory. It requires MUI, AmiTCP or AS225r2 TCP-IP software, and some sort of internet connection to access remote information. Also due to datatypes it currently requires AmigaDos 3.0 See the product specific section AMosaic(AM) for more hints! 92. AS225 --------------------- AS225 by Commodore Business Machines CBM only released version one which is known as AS225r1. AS225r2 is and will be released by third party developers. AS225r1 Compatibility: NFS - TCP/IP software for the Amiga is compatible with all models of the Amiga. Allows connection to Internet, DDN and other networks supporting TCP/IP and UDP/IP protocols. Works with the A2065 and Ameristar Ethernet Adapters. AS225r1 Network Functions: rlogin (client only), rloginVT (client only VT100 terminal emulation), rsh (client and server, but no interactive shells), NFS client, telnet (client only), ftp (client and server), finger (client only), ping, arp, netstat, rcp (client and server), route, showmount - Page 41 - 92. AS225 AS225r2 93. AS225r2 ----------------------- AS225r2 release 2 of AS225 TCP/IP protocol It is under active development again by third parties. Stay tuned for more details as they become available. !!!!!!! News Flash !!!!!!! CPR has released a version of AS225r2. It is my understanding that InterWorks is also working on a version which will be different than the CPR version. I can't say more, since I've not seen either product. As I said before: stay tuned. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 94. DECnet ------------------- TSSnet DECnet by Thunder Ridge, Inc. Now your Amiga can become a Phase IV end node in a DECnet network! Communicates over the Amiga serial port as well as Ethernet. Fully SANA II compliant so other protocols which support SANA II such as TCP/IP can run concurrently on the same ethernet card. Both Ethernet and serial connections provide multiple concurrent Virtual Terminal sessions on any other nodes on the network, using the DECnet CTERM facility. VT100 terminal emulation is provided, or use your favorite VT compatible Amiga terminal program such as VLT . Supports X windows, allowing you to run VAX DECWindows applications, as well as X clients running on other Amigas or any node supporting X over DECnet. NCP, Network Control Program lets you intuitively control all aspects of your node's connection including line speed, buffers, statistics, and security. NetMail allows full mail access to DECnet networks. NFT, Network File Copy enables you to copy, list, print, rename, delete, type and submit command files across the network. Task to Task Communications provides an AmigaDOS device for communicating with tasks on other DECnet nodes. Full documentation is included for this easy-to-use programmer's interface to TSSnet. FAL, File Access Listener allows other DECnet nodes to access your Amiga directly. Full username/password protection is available. 95. DNET ----------- DNET is a networking protocol which allows Amigas to talk to Amigas or a unix box over a serial line. There is a version for each case, and they are available on Aminet. I have never used it, but folks tell me it works. If one end is connected to the Internet, then DNET allows you to access the Internet via the remote - Page 42 - 95. DNET machines TCP/IP protocol. This is somewhat similar to TIA, but probably different. Like TIA it supports multiple tasks concurrently over the serial line. 96. ENLAN-DFS ----------------------------- ENLAN-DFS by Interworks Amiga peer to peer networking software and DFS ( Distributed File System ) Description: The Distributed File System (DFS) allows complete sharing of devices, directories, and peripherals (including printers). With this setup centralized backup is a possibility. Network resources appear on the client as local devices. ENLAN-DFS supports the Workbench interface, icons and all and is SANA II compatible. Security features: Provides password and read only support for public resources. Provides node level username and password if desired. Requirements: AmigaDOS 2.04 or higher. Approximately 456KB of disk space. compatible with A600, 1200, 2000, 3000, or 4000 compatible with the following ethernet cards: ICard , Lan Rover , A2065 , A4066 , or Hydra Requires 1.5 MB of ram minimum, more for serving multiple systems MSRP for 5 node license $349 97. Envoy ------------------- Amiga Envoy Available from IAM Amiga peer to peer networking !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! News Flash !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (December 29, 1994) Intangible Assets Manufacturing Announces FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Amiga Envoy 2.0 a new version of the tightly integrated peer-to-peer networking software for the Amiga from the workbench of IAM software engineers Heinz Wrobel and Dale L. Larson. New features: Support of AmigaOS 2.04 DOS packet types (including notification and record locking), support for removable media, enhanced reliability and robust recovery, localization, AmigaGuide documentation, and more. - Page 43 - 97. Envoy Availability: Amiga Envoy 2.0 is available as an upgrade to any Amiga Envoy user, regardless of where they purchased their original Envoy. The upgrade price is US$25, which includes ground shipping world-wide (add US$5 for Priority Mail or air). To upgrade in the US, send proof of purchase with check, money order, or Visa/MC number to IAM. Elsewhere, contact your local distributor. The list price of Amiga Envoy remains US$59.95. Envoy 2.0 Requires Workbench 2.04, Kickstart 2.04, 512k RAM, SANA-II compatible networking hardware. Workbench 3.1, 1MB or more of RAM and HD recommended. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Envoy-Description Envoy-REQUIREMENTS Envoy-COMPATIBILITY Envoy-AVAILABILITY IAM-Developers Info 98. Envoy-Description ------------------------------------ Amiga Envoy is the Amiga peer-to-peer networking software developed by Commodore's Amiga Networking Group. Included applications enable connected Amiga computers to share hard disks, CD-ROMs, and printers transparently. Amiga Envoy also provides a simple messaging interface (API) for the easy development of reliable network applications. To make Amiga Envoy available to end-users immediately, Intangible Assets Manufacturing has licensed Amiga Envoy from Commodore. IAM has produced a manual written by Dale Larson, one of Amiga Envoy's original designers. The manual eases you through the set up and use of a simple network. Additional documentation will be available (at an additional charge). It will explain how to internetwork with Amiga Envoy, how to develop software for it and how to use its security features. Technical support is provided through electronic and physical mail and by answering questions in such public forums as UseNet's comp.sys.amiga.datacomm, on CompuServe, and on Bix. 99. Envoy-REQUIREMENTS ---------------------------------------------- Envoy requires: Workbench 2.04, Kickstart 2.04, 512k RAM, SANA-II compatible networking hardware (see compatibility) RECOMMENDED Workbench 2.1 or later, Kickstart 2.1 or later, 1MB RAM, Hard disk with 300k free in SYS:. - Page 44 - 99. Envoy-COMPATIBILITY 100. Envoy-COMPATIBILITY ----------------------------------------------- Any SANA-II networking hardware may be used with Envoy, including Ameristar A4066, AmigaLink, ASDG LanRover, Commodore A2065 or A2060 and SLIP (serial port). Additional NON-IP, SANA-II compatible networking protocol stacks may be run at the same time as Amiga Envoy over the same networking hardware. AS225r2 is the version of Commodore's TCP/IP package which is compatible with Envoy (through SANA-II compatibility and close cooperation regarding IP packets). 101. Envoy-AVAILABILITY ---------------------------------------- Available now from Amiga dealers or order direct from IAM List Price: $59.95 (2-user) 102. IAM-Developers Info --------------------------------------- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR DEVELOPERS Developers of any Amiga networking products or networking compatible products are encouraged to contact Intangible Assets Manufacturing regarding inclusion of their products in the forth coming "Amiga Networking Handbook." We want to make sure that Amiga users can find out about every networking product that they may need. We hope to do this by publishing information on all of the products that are available. Applications developers can also contact IAM for information concerning consulting and documentation services or licensing Envoy for use in your applications. 103. GRn ---------------- GRn Gadtools Read news GRn is a news reader program which was originally designed to work with AmigaUUCP V1.08. Now it will work with AmigaUUCP V1.08-1.17, wUUCP, various ports of C News (including wCNews), AmigaNOS via AREXX scripts, NFS mounted news spools and NNTP in at least four flavors (DNet, serial port, AmiTCP, and AS225r2). GRn integrates with INetUtils . Both GRn and INetUtils are available on Aminet 104. INetUtils ----------------------- INetUtils INetUtils is copyrighted, but freely distributable up to version 1.4 The author will make future versions commercial which will include a major update to GRn and will include the long awaited GMail. The author *strongly* recommends that you read the man pages. Do NOT blindly install V1.4 over an existing installation. You will regret it if you do so according to the author. - Page 45 - 104. INetUtils IU-Author IU-Description IU-New Features IU-Requirements IU-Availability IU-Price IU-Distributability IU-Support 105. IU-Author --------------------- Michael B. Smith mbs@adastra.cvl.va.us POB 6791 Charlottesville, VA 22906 USA 106. IU-Description --------------------------- INetUtils is a series of programs designed to allow an Amiga running AS-225 beta 2.0 software (i.e., socket.library capable) or AmiTCP 2.2 (or above) to interact and operate as fully functioning members of an IP network, including the global InterNet. Note: IU 1.4 was qualified against AmiTCP 3.0b2, NOT 4.0. !!!!!! News Flash !!!!!! Michael Smith says IU 1.4 will work with AmiTCP 4.0 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The utility programs consist of: SMTPd : an SMTP daemon SMTPpost : an SMTP posting program SMTPExpand : an SMTP aliases expanding program NNTPpost : an NNTP posting program NNTPXfer : an NNTP article transfer program newgroup : a maintenance program for use with NNTP GetActive : an NNTP active file transfer program - Page 46 - 106. IU-Description AmiPOP : a POP message handler Sabot : A newmail activity program The following man pages are included: SMTPd.man SMTPpost.man SMTPExpand.man NNTPpost.man NNTPxfer.man GetActive.man and describe the operation of each program. To install INetUtils, see the document named INSTALL included in this archive. Do NOT blindly install V1.4 over an existing installation! For basic help in getting SMTPd running, the following heavily commented script is also included: StartSMTPd AmiPOP and Sabot were developed by Scott Ellis (sellis@ucssun1.sdsu.edu) and all communication regarding them should be directed to him. Separate documentation regarding them is included in the AmiPOP and Sabot archives. To properly utilize the NNTP capability requires an NNTP aware newsreader and a mailreader. The 'G' package is presented to meet this need. GRn is Gadtools Read News, which can properly read and post with articles via NNTP directly or read with the local directory setup by NNTPXfer, and post directly using NNTPpost. Documentation is available in AmigaGuide format (GRn.guide). GRn is currently at version 2.1. A commercial version (3.0) is also available. !!!!!!!!!! News Flash !!!!!! GRn2.1a is now available. The "a" version supports AmiTCP 4.0+. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GMail, Gadtools Mail, is available as a commercial product. According to Mike, AmigaElm and the DMail from AmigaUUCP are quite satisfactory for reading mail. 107. IU-New Features --------------------------------------------- Too many to list. Read the man pages. If you don't, you'll regret it. - Page 47 - 107. IU-New Features 108. IU-Requirements ------------------------------------------- AmigaDos 2.0 or higher INetUtils comes in two flavors: one for AS225r2 and one for AmiTCP version 2.2 or above. You must have one or the other of these protocols, and you must get the correct cooresponding archive. 109. IU-Availability --------------------------------------- INetUtils V1.4 is available on AMINET Dir Name: /pub/aminet/comm/net File Name: IU-14-as225.lha IU-14-amitcp.lha 110. IU-Price ------------------------------------- Vesion 1.4 of INetUtils is freeware. Donations are welcome. A commercial version, with enhanced feature content, is also available. 111. IU-Distributability --------------------------------------------- INetUtils is Copyright 1992 - 1994, by Michael B. Smith. All Rights Reserved. INetUtils 1.4 is freely distributable as long as no modifications are made to the archives or their contents. 112. IU-Support ----------------------------------- Support is available directly from the IU author via electronic mail. 113. netser.device ---------------------------- netser.device a shareware package for AmiTCP For 2 devices $25, 4 devices $35, and unlimited $50 author is Sam Yee samy@sfu.ca Works with any amiga. Only requires 50k or Ram. Requires WB 2.04+, and AmiTCP 3.0+ More info later. !!!!!!!!!!!! News Flash !!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Jan 1, 1995) - Page 48 - 113. netser.device Sam Yee announces: Telser version 1.0 telser.device is a modem simulator over a telnet connection. It inteprets and simulates basic modem commands so that you can use your telecommunicaions (comm) programs over a telnet connection. In other words your comm program thinks it is talking to a modem. Terminal emulation, file transfers, etc. are all handled by your comm program. Connecting to a host is as simple as typing "ATDT abc.edu,23" or even simpler if you add "abc.edu,23" to your comm program's phonebook. telser supports the most common Telnet negotiation commands and options. For example, you may elect to notify the remote host on changes to your terminal emulation type, and window size. An intuitive "gadtools" graphical user interface is supplied to control your telnet connections. You also have the option to automatically connect to a host after starting up your comm program. Instant logins at the click of a button! telser can run in host mode, which means it would accept incoming calls. This feature allows you to set up a "multi-line" bbs over the internet! Telser is capable of unlimited device units, which means you can have unlimited incoming and outgoing connections. Telser supports both TCP/IP packages on the Amiga namely AmiTCP (tested with V3.0b2 and V4.0) and AS225r2. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 114. Offline-Orbit --------------------------- Offline Orbit by Janne T. Siren ( jts@krk.fi) Available on Aminet as Freeware ( try the comm/util dir) An offline message reader supporting QWK, WWF, OMEN, and SOUP message formats. Requires: * WB 2.04+ * 2 Mb Ram recommended 115. PPP-device PPP.device by Holger Kruse kruse@cs.ucf.edu ind00389@pegasus.cc.ucf.edu ppp.device is a shareware package. The unregisterd version is on Aminet. The registered version provides much better speed. More details later. 116. Termite ---------------------- Termite a modem Telecomunications package by Oregon Research MSRP: $49.95 - Page 49 - 116. Termite Features: * Supports the XPR libs * supports 300 to 115,200 BPS * supports multiple line BBSs * AREXX support * Call logging * AmigaGuide Online help * Style guide compliant * Font and screen sensitive displays * multi-tasking chat window to prepare text before sending it * phone book, text macros, and configurable button bar * RIP driver available upon request Requires: * WB 2.0+ * 1Mb ram+ 117. TIN ---------------- TIN by Mark Tomlinson (mark@garden.equinox.gen.nz) A newsreader which as of version 1.2 PL 3 supports NNTP. Version 1.3 is probably out by now. More later. 118. TorqueWare (TM) ---------------------------------- TorqueWare (TM) by AugmenTek is a means of developing and running parallel programs over a network of Amigas. It provides six simple C functions to handle the job of distributing data and execution across the network. A graphical user interface allows for compiling and linking locally or remotely, setting up the runtime environment, and running the program -- but this can also be done manually. A hypertext user's guide and tutorial are provided. Instructions for using the Amiga as client to a computational server running on a Silicon Graphics or Mac using TorqueWare form Torque Systems, Inc., are also provided. TorqueWare is an implementation of the Linda parallel programming model. Data are placed in a global data space that is accessible to all processes, whether they run locally or across the network. One can wait for data to appear, read it, or remove it from that global data space. C functions can be run as separate tasks on either one computer or multiple computers, and these remote functions access that global data space. The global data space is content-addressable. TorqueWare hides communication details, such as the nature of the - Page 50 - 118. TorqueWare (TM) underlying communication mechanism, from you. It supports different computers by handling byte ordering. TorqueWare attempts to keep all of the computers busy if there is enough work. As a programming utility, TorqueWare provides an operating system independent way of multiprocessing. Applications include network rendering (RayShade 3.0 already allows for Linda), news or database filtering, image processing, and audio processing. An example of code using TorqueWare versus socket programming can be found on Aminet under biz/demo/netprog_txt.lzh TorqueWare requirements: SAS C 6.x, AmigaDos 2.04 or higher, and network hardware for multiprocessing. MSRP for base development system $100 MSRP for general TCP/iP networking $150 per cpu. Educational and quantity discounts available. 119. VLT -------------- Valiant Little Terminal by Willy Langeveld A terminal emulator providing both Tektronix and DEC emulation. This little jewel has been around for quite awhile. It is available on Fred Fish and Aminet. 120. X11R4 -------------------- X11 Release 4 server and library by GfxBase, Inc. GfxBase provides both a server so that you can run x clients on your Amiga, and a development library so that you can write x clients for your Amiga or other x windows system. X11R4.3 Color Server X11R4-Dev Libs X11-product Availability 121. X11R4.3 Color Server ----------------------------------------- The X11 R4.3 server supports: - Up to (NTSC)1440x482 (568PAL) resolution. - Overscan, genlock, interlace, superhires, productivity, a2024 all supported. - Superscreens up to 2560x2560 scrollable under 2.0 - Up to 32 colors (lowres). - AGA support: 256colors/16M Local Clients: olwm(OpenLook) twm(Tab Window Manager) bitmap, xfd, xfontsel, - Page 51 - 121. X11R4.3 Color Server xcalc, xmag, xsetroot, xsol, plus many more. xpr (X printer program) supports all standard X devices plus supports Amiga printers via the Amiga printer device mechanism. Fonts: X11R5 fonts are included in this release. X11-Compatibility Optional color gfx cards X11-Requirements 122. X11-Compatibility ----------------------------------- Software support ---------------------- network support: Commodore AS225 (tcp/ip) Thunder Ridge TSSnet ( DECnet ). OS support: Requires WB1.3 or later. Works better with 2.0. And best with 3.0 Coexists with Native Amiga Operating System, and works under Intuition in its own pull down screen. Hardware Support ------------------------- input support: international keyboards supported, Recommended 3 button mouse. Compatibility with all models of the Amiga, A1000,A2000,A500,A2500,A3000,A3000T,A1200,A4000,A4000T. 123. Optional color gfx cards --------------------------------------------------- Optional X11R5 for color graphics cards support - GDA1 from GfxBase - PicassoII - 1600GX from Ameristar 124. X11-Requirements ------------------------- Requires minimum 1M of Ram for Server, more for local clients. Requires 7M Harddisk, 15megs for standard installation. 125. X11R4-Dev Libs ---------------------------------------------------- -------------X11 Release 4 Development libraries--------------------- - Page 52 - 125. X11R4-Dev Libs Specially modified to work under AmigaDOS with SAS/C 6.51 Libraries: Xlib,Xaw,Xext,Xt,Xmu,oldX,Xau, BSD sockets Includes: X11 Release 4 standard include files Some sample source and lmkfiles for learning X11 on the Amiga. X11 programs on unix machines can be ported right to the Amiga. Develop X applications on the Amiga and know they can be ported to Unix platforms. 126. X11-product Availability ------------------------------ products available from Amiga Dealers or GfxBase, Inc. --------- List Prices --------------- software: X11R4: $395/$90 X11tk: $250/$45 XView: $250 X11 Local development system: $475/$100 (does not include support for as225/TSSnet) mwm motif window manager: $99 Complete X11R4/with motif development system: $795.00 Hardware: Boing 3button optical mouse, bought with X11, $75.00 GDA-1 hires graphics card 1024x768 256/16M colors $595.00 127. Hardware-Specs ================= Specifications for Amiga Networking Hardware A2065 A4066 AmigaLink Ariadne GG2-Bus+ card Hydra ICard ISDN-Master - Page 53 - 127. Hardware-Specs LAN Rover QuickNet 128. A2065 ------------------- A2065 by Commodore Business Machines Function: Full ANSI 802.3 type Ethernet protocols over either Type A (Thick Ethernet) or Type B (Thin Ethernet/Cheapernet) connections. The 32K onboard RAM Buffer provides shared RAM between Am7990 processor and the Amiga. Card Type: Amiga bus (100 pin), Autoconfig Interface Specs: 15 pin female "D" connector for Type A (Thick Ethernet) networking with 100 nodes per segment Female BNC coax connector for Type B (Thin Ethernet/Cheapernet) networking with 30 nodes per segment. Speed: 10Mbps CSMA/CD interface DMA data reading and writing to shared RAM Card Size: Full size Amiga board 129. A4066 ----------------- the A4066 by Ameristar replaces the A2065 ethernet card by Commodore. The A4066 supports 10BaseT Thin, and Thick ethernet. It is SANA II compatible and should support the AS225r2 software as well as DECnet at the same time. 130. AmigaLink ------------------------- AmigaLink is a floppy port based networking solution which is SANA II compatible. It will work with any Amiga with a free floppy port including CD32 with the expansion module, and a floppy with a pass thru port. Transfer rate: 450,000 bits per sec (~ 45KB/sec) Max cable length: 100 meters (~330 feet) cable type: RG-58U 50 ohm co-axial Cable connector: BNC and floppy port connector Max # of computers: 20 Included Protocol: Network Operating System optional Protocol: Envoy, or any SANA II compatible protocol Supports remote printing using the Commodore CMD program. Requirements: kickstart 1.2+, Workbench 1.3+, 512k ram Recommended: Workbench 2.0+, 1MB+ ram, hard drive SRP: AmigaLink Starter Kit $259.95 20 software licenses and hardware for 2 nodes - Page 54 - 130. AmigaLink AmigaLink Single node $124.95 hardware only, no cable. 131. Ariadne ----------------------------- Ariadne by Village Tronic A SANA II compatible zorro bus ethernet card with two parallel ports. Supports 10base-2 (thin ethernet, coax) and 10base-T (Twisted pair) Socket for boot rom hook up to two additional amiga to the paallel ports with Liana (Envoy with a cable) A 32kbyte cache to support cpu Includes Envoy and SANA II driver for ethernet and parallel ports 132. GG2-Bus+ card ============= The GG2 Bus+ by Software Results Enterprises lets you add IBM-compatible hardware to your Amiga. The most common additions are extra parallel and serial ports, and _network_ cards. The GG2 Bus+ is NOT a 486 bridgecard, and does NOT run windows, it merely allows you to access less expensive PC cards. GG2-HW Compatibility GG2-PC drivers GG2-SW Compatibility GG2-Requirements GG2-Availability 133. GG2-HW Compatibility -------------------------------------------------------------- The GG2 Bus+ supports almost all non-DMA AT-compatible (8 MHz bus capable) PC plug-in boards. This includes such popular items as internal modems, multi-I/O boards, IDE hard drive controllers, non-DMA ethernet boards, VGA boards, A/D boards, etc. Access to the PC cards is at full Amiga Zorro II bus speed unless wait state support is turned on. 134. GG2-PC drivers ------------------------------------------ PC drivers included with GG2 Bus+ are: ibmser.device A replacement serial device for internal modems and multi-I/O cards. Includes automatic use of the 16550 FIFO buffer when available. Support for up to 4 serial ports at once, equivalent of COM1-4. - Page 55 - 134. GG2-PC drivers ibmprint.device A new parallel output-only driver for printing through IBM LPT compatible parallel ports on multi-I/O cards. Support for up to 3 printers at once, equivalent of LPT1-3. ibmIDE.device A driver program to allow the use of IDE, RLL or MFM hard drives. NE1000.device and NE2000.device These are SANA-II ethernet drivers for Novell NE1000 and NE2000 boards and compatibles. NE1000 is 8 bit card, 8K memory NE2000 is 16 bit card 135. GG2-SW Compatibility ------------------------------------------------------- GG2 Bus+ Since the Ethernet drivers are SANA II compliant, you can use your GG2/Ethernet combination with all of the popular network packages, such as Envoy (from IAM), AS225r2 (from Commodore) and AmiTCP (available via ftp from Aminet sites). Commodore's AS225r1 is *not* a SANA-II networking package, and will not work with an Ethernet card on a GG2 Bus+. !!! Oxxi's Novell Netware Client software is *not* a SANA II networking package and will not work with an Ethernet card on a GG2 Bus+. !!! CrossPC and PCTask software PC emulators are aware of the GG2 Bus+ and will let you use IBM-compatible hardware from inside the emulation. Among other IBM peripherals that have been successfully operated are, ROM programmers and PC-television cards. 136. GG2-Requirements ---------------------------------------------- The GG2 Bus+ occupies one Zorro II slot aligned with an PC-AT slot in an Amiga 2000, A2500, A3000, or A4000. It has essentially the same form factor as a Commodore bridgeboard. You will need at least one additional open PC-AT slot for your plug-in PC card. The GG2 Bus+ requires 1 Megabyte of available AUTOCONFIG memory space to correctly map all of the PC memory locations. All address and data lines to the PC bus are buffered to avoid loading-down Amiga bus lines. Most of the software requires 2.04 or higher. The actual device drivers themselves (ibmser.device, ibmIDE.device...) will probably work under Amiga Dos 1.3, but the support programs (like SwitchControl and SerPrefs) don't. 137. GG2-Availability ----------------------------------------- GG2 Bus+ is $119.95 USD All sales are being handled by Software Results Enterprises , so there are no distributors in any countries. - Page 56 - 137. Hydra 138. Hydra ------------------ Hydra by Hydra Systems Ethernet cards for the Amiga 2/3/4000. Did have a model for the A500. A SANA II driver comes with the new boards or is available from the vendor. The driver is called hydra.device, and V1.33 even works with the old v1.0 boards. Has thin wire connector (BNC) and a thick wire connector (15 pin D). 139. ICard ------------------- ICard by Interworks A 16 bit ethernet card for the A1200's PCMCIA slot. Provides 10BaseT and 10Base2 ethernet connectors. Provides SANA II driver for compatibility with any SANA II compatible network protocol including Interworks ENLAN-DFS MSRP $299 140. ISDN-Master -------------------------- ISDN Master by BSC in Germany Has German manual. Price is approx $600. Works with any Amiga with a zorro bus because it is a zorro II card. !!!!!!!!!! News Flash !!!!!!!!!! Alan BERNEY wrote an excellent review of the ISDN Master. Look for it on Aminet in the directory that contains the c.s.a.review postings. The best news I saw in the review is that the board supports standards for multiple countries including the US. Not all countries have been tested, but it is good to see more than one supported. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Features: ------------ * Autoconfig * Transfer up to 7500 cps * Answering machine ( sorry, no voice-mailbox) * settings for phone and answering machine - Page 57 - 140. ISDN-Master * parallel telephone and data calls * three user conference * Uses less CPU time than a modem * Hayes-AT set * isdn.device is compatible with serial.device * 64 byte FIFo ram buffer * 2 * B-channel and 1 * D-Channel (S0-connection) * S0 considerable * ISDN and Euro-ISDN support * D port monitor * passiv card * Audio-Inline with digitize audio Requirements: ------------------- * kickstart >= 2.x * 1 Mb Ram minimum, prefer 2 Mb * recommend 68020 or higher 141. LAN Rover ------------------------ LAN Rover by ASDG LAN Rover is now called EB920. A thin wire ethernet card for Amiga 2000,3000, and 4000. It is a full length Zorro II card and comes with SANA II drivers and supports adjustable interrupt settings and network address roms. Being SANA II compatible means it will support all the major network protocols available for the Amiga. More info in a future release of FAQ 142. QuickNet ----------------------- QuickNet (TM) Fast peer-to-peer networking system for the Amiga by Resource Management Force Authors: Neil Dugan, Daniel Koch, and Norman Pakes A hardware and software solution for networking Amigas to Amigas. Zorro II card which supports thin ethernet. Other versions may be available by now. More info when it is available to me. - Page 58 - 142. Manufacturers 143. Manufacturers For Additional information on Products and Vendors consult "AC's Guide for the Commodore Amiga" at your local Amiga dealer or newsstand or contact AC's Guide c/o PiM Publications P.O.B. 2140 Fall River, MA 02722-2140 phone: (800) 345-3360 Ameristar ASDG AugmenTek BCS Canadian Prototype Replicas Commodore Business Machines CSA GfxBase, Inc. Hydra Systems IAM Interworks Oregon Research Oxxi Progressive Peripherals Resource Management Force SCALA, Inc. Software Results Enterprises Spectronics Thunder Ridge, Inc. Village Tronic 144. Ameristar ---------------------- Ameristar products are distributed by Creative Equipment International (CEI) - Page 59 - 144. Ameristar 5555 W. Flagler St Miami, Florida 33134 USA Phone (305) 266-2800 145. ASDG ----------------- ASDG, Inc. 925 Stewart St. Madison, WI 53713 Phone (608) 273-6585 Fax (608) 271-1988 146. AugmenTek ------------------------ AugmenTek 3606 S. 180th St. C-22 SeaTac, WA 98188-4339 USA Phone: (206) 246-6077 email: augmentek@acm.org 147. BSC -------------------- BSC buroatuomation Lerchenstrasse 5 W8000 Muenchen 50 Germany Telephone: +49 89 357 130-0 FAX: +49 89 357 130-99 148. Canadian Prototype Replicas ------------------------------------------------ Canadian Prototype Replicas PO Box 8, Ontario, Canada (519) 884-4412 149. Commodore Business Machines ------------------------------------------------ For Historical Purposes: Commodore Business Machines 1200 Wilson Dr., West Chester, PA 19380 (215) 431-9100, (215) 436-4200 - Page 60 - 149. Commodore Business Machines 150. CSA --------------- CSA Computer System Associates, Inc. Stephen Riker, Director of Sales and Marketing CSA 7564 Trade Street San Diego, CA 92121 PH:(619)566-3911 FAX:(619)566-0581 151. GfxBase, Inc. ------------------------------------------------ Contact Dale Luck at GfxBase, Inc. PO Box 360814 Milpitas, Ca. 95036-0814 Phone: (408) 262-1469 FAX: (408) 262-8276 for more info or more complete literature. 152. Hydra Systems ----------------------------- Hydra Systems Wyndrushe House Red Land, Kenilworth Warwickshire England CV8 1PB Tel/Fax: +44 203 473333 153. IAM -------------- IAM voice: (610) 853-4406 fax: (610) 853-3733 Direct postal mail to: - Page 61 - 153. IAM Intangible Assets Manufacturing 828 Ormond Avenue Drexel Hill, PA 19026-2604 USA Direct electronic inquiries to: info@iam.com -- a robot with less info than the IAM web pages sales@iam.com -- to get info or to place an order corections@iam.com -- for any errors you find in "Connect Your Amiga!" envoy-help@iam.com -- get envoy support here (include serial number from your IAM disk in your request for support envoy-bugs@iam.com -- report bugs here registration@iam.com -- use email instead of mailing a card francais@iam.com -- for all French language email for IAM italiano@iam.com -- for all Italian language email to IAM dale@iam.com -- Dale L. Larson jan@iam.com -- Janet McIlvaine mikec@iam.com -- Michael Colligon dosioc@iam.com -- Claudio Dosio 154. Interworks ----------------------- Interworks 43191 Camino Casillas Suite B2469 Temecula, CA 92592-3714 phone: (909) 699-8120 FAX: (909)-699-8279 155. Oregon Research --------------------------------- Oregon Research 16200 S.W. Pacific Hwy., Suite 162 Tigard, Or 97224 ph: (503) 620-4919 fax: (503) 624-2940 Internet: orres@teleport.com - Page 62 - 155. Oregon Research Genie: ORA CompuServer: 71333,2655 156. Oxxi ------------------------------------------------ Oxxi P.O. Box 90309, Long Beach, CA 90809 Phone: (310) 427-1227 157. Progressive Peripherals ------------------------------------------ Last Known address for Progressive Peripherals & Software 464 Kalamath Street, Denver, CO 80204 (303) 825-4144, (303) 893-6938 (FAX) Apparently out of business. Anyone with information on the disposition of their product line pleas provide FEEDBACK 158. Resource Management Force ------------------------------------------------ Resource Management Force Pty Ltd 70-74 may street St Peters NSW 2044 Australia Tel: +61 2 550 4244 fax: +61 2 550 4284 email: cbmaus!rmf!danielk@rmf.adsp.sub.org 159. SCALA, Inc. ------------------------------ SCALA, Inc. 12110 Sunset Hills, Dr. Ste 100 Reston, VA 22090 phone: (703) 709-8043 160. Software Results Enterprises ------------------------------------------------- Software Results Enterprises - Page 63 - 160. Software Results Enterprises 2447 N. 4th St., Ste. B Columbus, OH 43202-2706 phone: 614/262-9146 (voice) fax: 614/267-2683 sales@kumiss.infinet.com support@kumiss.infinet.com Please use e-mail whenever possible. It leaves more time to develop products. Also be sure to ask for the GGII Bus+ FAQ which goes into more specifics than is practical in this FAQ. 161. Spectronics Spectronics Int'l USA 34 E. Main Street #23 Champaign, IL 61820 Phone: (217) 352-0061 Fax: (217) 352-0063 BBS: (217) 352-7627 Eddy Coopmans, President 162. Thunder Ridge, Inc. ------------------------------------------------ Thunder Ridge, Inc. N9353 Benson Road Brooklyn, WI 53521 phone: (608) 455-1039 fax: (608) 455-1317 email: 73071.1356@compuserve.com 163. Village Tronic ------------------------------ Village Tronic Wellweg 95 D-31157 Sarstedt Germany Tel: +49/(0)5066/7013-0 Switchboard Tel: +49/(0)5066/7013-10 technical hotline - Page 64 - 163. Village Tronic Tel: +49/(0)5066/7013-11 orders Tel: +49/(0)5066/7013-40 Mailbox Tel: +49/(0)5066/7013-49 Telefax 164. Related FAQs ================= AmigaNOS-FAQ UUCP FAQ X11 FAQ AmiTCP FAQ Wiedmann's Amiga FAQ DAK's Amiga FAQ FAQ archive NEWS FAQ RFC BDG to Internet FTP FAQ ZEN Amosaic-FAQ Connect your Amiga misc 165. AmigaNOS-FAQ ----------------------------- AmigaNOS is a serial port only version of TCP/IP. The AmigaNOS FAQ is posted to comp.sys.amiga.datacomm news.answers and comp.answers news groups. and should be on the FAQ archive as... /pub/usenet/news.answers/amiga/AmigaNOS-faq 166. UUCP FAQ ------------------------ The UUCP FAQ is posted to the news groups alt.sys.amiga.uucp, alt.answers, and to news.answers. It is available at the FAQ archive site. 167. X11 FAQ -------------------- X windows is such a big topic there is a FAQ dedicated to it regardless of vendor. It is posted in multiple parts in comp.windows.x and news.answers news groups which means it is available from FAQ archive - Page 65 - 167. X11 FAQ You can send submissions to faq%craft@uunet.uu.net BTW, uunet.uu.net is one of those cross over points between the USENET and the Internet. 168. AmiTCP FAQ ------------------------- !!!!!! News Flash !!!!!! The AmiTCP FAQ is now maintained by Mike Meyer and is available in html format so you can access it with Amosaic at http://contessa.phone.net/Atcpfaq.html I think. ;} !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AmiTCP FAQ has been released by Neil McRae. Look in the comp.sys.amiga.datacom news group for biweekly updates. It is also an officially accepted FAQ by the news.answers moderators. Therefore it can be found in news.answers, comp.answers, and in the FAQ archive 169. Wiedmann's Amiga FAQ --------------------------------------- Jochen Wiedmann's Amiga FAQ Can be found at Aminet sites in the /pub/aminet/tex/docs directory with the file name AmigaFAQxxxxxx.lha where xxxxxx is the date. send submissions to wiedmann@mailserv.zdv.uni-tuebingen.de or Am Eisteich 9 72555 Metzingen (Germany) Tel. 07123 / 14881 Mr. Wiedmann's FAQ can now be found on line using Mosaic. It is now part of Mr. Witbrock's Amiga Home Page. It was converted to HTML from Amiga Guide by Mr. Witbrock's AG2HTML.PL perl script. The script is on line also. 170. DAK's Amiga FAQ -------------------------------- This document is a summary of information about Science/School/UNIX software for the Amiga. Originally compiled-by: rfarmer@nyx.cs.du.edu (Richard Akerman) Now maintained-by: dak@emx.cc.utexas.edu (Donald A Kassebaum) This FAQ is cross-posted around the middle of each month to comp.sys.amiga.applications, comp.unix.amiga, comp.answers and news.answers also available on AmiNet sites: - Page 66 - 170. DAK's Amiga FAQ /pub/aminet/text/doc/AmigaSciSchUnix.lha The news.answers automatic archiving software will store a copy of this posting, available by anonymous FTP on rtfm.mit.edu []: /pub/usenet/news.answers/amiga/science-faq 171. FAQ archive ------------------------- You can find numerous FAQ's posted to the news.answers news group. They are also cross posted to *.answers for the specific news group to which the FAQ is related. For example this FAQ is cross posted to the comp.answers news group. This makes it easier to find related FAQ's. There are several FAQ's slanted towards new users, so instead of flaming someone try sending them the appropriate FAQ. The FAQ's are updated periodically, and the older versions are archived at several sites. Both the current and the archived FAQ's are also available via Mosaic, and anonymous FTP in addition to being available through the news. RTFM.MIT.EDU [] is one of the primary archive sites for news.answers FAQ's and it supports anonymous FTP and email. To use email send a message with "send usenet/news.answers/pdial" as the message to mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu. For more information send "help" as the message. Aminet Fred Fish 172. Aminet ------------------- Aminet is another archive site with many mirror sites. In addition to FAQ's you can find all kinds of Amiga programs and files at an Aminet site. They usually have a directory called /pub/aminet. See the "All about FTP" FTP FAQ for details on using anonymous FTP to access the archive. Aminet hosts are USA (MO) ftp.wustl.edu USA (CA) ftp.cdrom.com USA (TX) ftp.etsu.edu Scandinavia ftp.luth.se Germany ftp.uni-kl.de Germany ftp.uni-erlangen.de Germany ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de Germany ftp.uni-paderborn.de Germany ftp.uni-oldenburg.de - Page 67 - 172. Aminet Germany ftp.coli.uni-sb.de Switzerland ftp.eunet.ch Switzerland litamiga.epfl.ch UK ftp.doc.ic.ac.uk Please use a mirror close to you! There are other amiga related FTP sites. You can use Archie or Veronica to locate sites that have a specific file you are looking for and perhaps avoid overcrowding the mirror sites. The Aminet Archive now has a Mosaic home page where the most recent uploads can by found and retrieved. You can access it directly or from Mr. Witbrock's Amiga Home Page. Aminet also offers a mailing list for info on the recent uploads. Just send one of the following as the body of the message to listserv@wunet.wustl.edu subscribe aminet-daily site@domain subscribe aminet-weekly site@domain where site@domain is your return email address. There are over 3000 addresses already on these lists. A complete index of aminet files (over 600k) is located in the file /pub/aminet/INDEX 173. Fred Fish ------------------ Fred Fish is/was a floppy based archive of public domain and shareware software for the Amiga. Fred has begun to make the archive available on CD Rom as well. Fred posts info on new CDroms on the comp.sys.amiga.announce news group. Amazing Computing Magazine also prints information about the Fred Fish collection and may be handling the floppy distribution in the future. The Fred Fish collection has been a valuable asset to the Amiga community, and I will be adding more info to this section in future releases of this FAQ. The Fred Fish CD Rom is available from Amiga Library Services 610 N. Alma School Road, Suite 18 Chandler, AZ 85224-3687 U.S.A. Phone/FAX: (602) 917-0917 174. NEWS FAQ ------------------------- The NEWS FAQ can be found at the FAQ archive or on the news.answers or comp.answers news group. It explains some of the history and different - Page 68 - 174. NEWS FAQ incarnations of news servers and readers. There are also specific FAQs for the INN news server and others. Also there are specific news groups for those who wish to be administrators of a news server. 175. RFC -------------- RFC Request For Comment These are good documents if someone wants to understand the technical side of the protocol. They can be found online at a number of sites by archie, but they are officially available from just a few. RFCs can be obtained via FTP from NIS.NSF.NET, NISC.JVNC.NET, VENERA.ISI.EDU, WUARCHIVE.WUSTL.EDU, SRC.DOC.IC.AC.UK, FTP.CONCERT.NET, DS.INTERNIC.NET, NIC.DDN.MIL. Details on obtaining RFCs via FTP or EMAIL may be obtained by sending an EMAIL message to "rfc-info@ISI.EDU" with the message body "help: ways_to_get_rfcs". For example: To: rfc-info@ISI.EDU Subject: getting rfcs help: ways_to_get_rfcs Requests for special distribution should be addressed to either the author of the RFC in question, or to NIC@NIC.DDN.MIL. Unless specifically noted otherwise on the RFC itself, all RFCs are for unlimited distribution. 176. BDG to Internet ---------------------------- Big Dummies' Guide (DBG) to Internet is available in Amiga Guide format on Aminet . It explains more about the history of the Internet, and some of the same topics covered in this FAQ. If this seems like an awful lot of material to read, good because it is. You will NOT become an expert over night. So Relax, take a deep breath, and count to 10 often ;-) 177. FTP FAQ --------------------- All about FTP is a FAQ on the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) application for the TCP-IP protocol. The FAQ is posted to comp.sys.amiga.misc, comp.sys.amiga.introduction, and the comp.sys.amiga.datacomm news groups. Thus it should be available on the FAQ archive site. It should be read by anyone wishing to download files from Aminet or anyone wishing to know more about FTP. It is posted by umueller@wuarchive.wustl.edu - Page 69 - 177. ZEN 178. ZEN ------------- Zen and the Art of the Internet: A Beginner's Guide A booklet explaining the basic concepts of ideas behind using the Internet. It explicitly avoids machine or OS specific commands or bias. The booklet is widely available, probably even from your service provider. It is also available via FTP from ftp.uu.net [] in the pub/zen directory or you can use Archie or Veronica to locate a copy. 179. Amosaic-FAQ -------------------------- Clive Thomas has an Amosaic FAQ available from: ftp.demon.co.uk:pub/amiga/info/Amosaic.FAQ.lha 180. Connect your Amiga ----------------------------------- "Connect your Amiga!" A book by Dale Larson of IAM ISBN 1-885876-02-5 Deals with Amiga networking issues in much greater detail than is possible in this FAQ. It explains how to use the software and hardware to connect to the internet, LAN's, BBS's, and commercial services. 181. misc ------------- miscellaneous stuff: A domain name and host name can be had for free. Send email to info@rs.internic.net 182. Feedback ------------------- Send corrections, updates and suggestions to: norman@afas.msfc.nasa.gov Richard Norman ED36 MSFC, AL 35812 USA All submissions will be considered altuistic donations to the network community's pool of public knowledge. Send flames to yourself for not getting off your behind and writing a better FAQ yourself. Besides I'm still learning too! ;-)